Advent of Code


Never Tell Me The Odds

in C#

by encse

If you are not familiar with the problem, you can read it here.

A bit unexpectedly we are given a geometry problem that requires floating point numbers. I don't remember if this was ever needed in Advent of Code.

Part 1 asks to find the intesection of two 2 dimensional lines. This is simple enough, but .Net doesn't have a built in matrix library, so I had to inline everything that was needed. Part 2 was much more interesting. We have to find a position and velocity of a stone that hits all particles provided in the input. The particles move in a 3D line now.

I solved this first using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, but I didn't like it because it was totally independent of Part 1, almost like two different problems. I went looking around in others' solutions until I found a good one that is easy to follow.

The idea is that we try to guess the speed of our stone (a for loop), then assuming that it is the right velocity create a new reference frame that moves with that speed. The stone doesn't move in this frame, it has some fixed coordinates somewhere. Now transform each particle into this reference frame as well. Since the stone is not moving, if we properly guessed the speed, we find that each particle meets at the same point. This must be the stone's location.

We can reuse code from Part 1, just need to project everything to the XY plane first to compute the stone's (x,y) position, then do the same in the XZ or YZ plane to get z as well.

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2023.Day24;

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Data;

record Vec2(decimal x0, decimal x1);
record Vec3(decimal x0, decimal x1, decimal x2);
record Particle2(Vec2 pos, Vec2 vel);
record Particle3(Vec3 pos, Vec3 vel);

[ProblemName("Never Tell Me The Odds")]
class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) {
        var particles = Project(ParseParticles(input), v => (v.x0, v.x1));

        var inRange = (decimal d) => 2e14m <= d && d <= 4e14m;

        var inFuture = (Particle2 p, Vec2 pos) => 
            Math.Sign(pos.x0 - p.pos.x0) == Math.Sign(p.vel.x0);

        var res = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++) {
            for (var j = i + 1; j < particles.Length; j++) {
                var pos = Intersection(particles[i], particles[j]);
                if (pos != null && 
                    inRange(pos.x0) && 
                    inRange(pos.x1) &&
                    inFuture(particles[i], pos) && 
                    inFuture(particles[j], pos)
                ) {
        return res;

    public object PartTwo(string input) {
        var particles = ParseParticles(input);
        var stoneXY = Solve2D(Project(particles, vec => (vec.x0, vec.x1)));
        var stoneXZ = Solve2D(Project(particles, vec => (vec.x0, vec.x2)));
        return Math.Round(stoneXY.x0 + stoneXY.x1 + stoneXZ.x1);

    Vec2 Solve2D(Particle2[] particles) {
        // We try to guess the speed of our stone (a for loop), then supposing 
        // that it is the right velocity we create a new reference frame that 
        // moves with that speed. The stone doesn't move in this frame, it has 
        // some fixed unknown coordinates. Now transform each particle into 
        // this reference frame as well. Since the stone is not moving, if we 
        // properly guessed the speed, we find that each particle meets at the 
        // same point. This must be the stone's location.

        var translateV = (Particle2 p, Vec2 vel) =>
            new Particle2(p.pos, new Vec2(p.vel.x0 - vel.x0, p.vel.x1 - vel.x1));

        var s = 500; //arbitrary limits for the brute force that worked for me.
        for (var v1 = -s; v1 < s; v1++) {
            for (var v2 = -s; v2 < s; v2++) {
                var vel = new Vec2(v1, v2);

                // p0 and p1 are linearly independent (for me) => stone != null
                var stone = Intersection(
                    translateV(particles[0], vel),
                    translateV(particles[1], vel)

                if (particles.All(p => Hits(translateV(p, vel), stone))) {
                    return stone;
        throw new Exception();

    bool Hits(Particle2 p, Vec2 pos) {
        var d = (pos.x0 - p.pos.x0) * p.vel.x1 - (pos.x1 - p.pos.x1) * p.vel.x0;
        return Math.Abs(d) < (decimal)0.0001;

    Vec2 Intersection(Particle2 p1, Particle2 p2) {
        // this would look way better if I had a matrix library at my disposal.
        var determinant = p1.vel.x0 * p2.vel.x1 - p1.vel.x1 * p2.vel.x0;
        if (determinant == 0) {
            return null; //particles don't meet
        var b0 = p1.vel.x0 * p1.pos.x1 - p1.vel.x1 * p1.pos.x0;
        var b1 = p2.vel.x0 * p2.pos.x1 - p2.vel.x1 * p2.pos.x0;
        return new (
             (p2.vel.x0 * b0 - p1.vel.x0 * b1) / determinant,
             (p2.vel.x1 * b0 - p1.vel.x1 * b1) / determinant

    Particle3[] ParseParticles(string input) => [..
        from line in input.Split('\n')
        let v = ParseNum(line)
        select new Particle3(new (v[0], v[1], v[2]), new (v[3], v[4], v[5]))

    decimal[] ParseNum(string l) => [.. 
        from m in Regex.Matches(l, @"-?\d+") select decimal.Parse(m.Value)

    // Project particles to a 2D plane:
    Particle2[] Project(Particle3[] ps, Func<Vec3, (decimal, decimal)> proj) => [..
        from p in ps select new Particle2(
            new Vec2(proj(p.pos).Item1, proj(p.pos).Item2),
            new Vec2(proj(p.vel).Item1, proj(p.vel).Item2)

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