The original problem description is available here.
I was a bit worried when I saw Part 1, because it let the window open for a complicated optimization for Part 2. But it just turned out to be the same thing as Part 1 iterated along the edges of the map.
I went with the proven strategy and represented the map as a dictionary indexed by complex numbers. It's easy to check the bounds, and changing positions is just complex arithmetic.
At first I created a long switch case to determine how a beam changes its way when encountering
mirrors and splitters, but it turns out that in many cases it just continues in the same direction.
Splitting can be handled in just two lines for the vertical and horizontal case. Finally my choice of
the coordinate system makes turning around mirrors very simple: the coordinates flip when the mirror
is facing \
and just an additional multiplication by -1 is needed for the /
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2023.Day16;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using Map = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Numerics.Complex, char>;
using Beam = (System.Numerics.Complex pos, System.Numerics.Complex dir);
[ProblemName("The Floor Will Be Lava")]
class Solution : Solver {
static readonly Complex Up = -Complex.ImaginaryOne;
static readonly Complex Down = Complex.ImaginaryOne;
static readonly Complex Left = -Complex.One;
static readonly Complex Right = Complex.One;
public object PartOne(string input) =>
EnergizedCells(ParseMap(input), (Complex.Zero, Right));
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var map = ParseMap(input);
return (from beam in StartBeams(map) select EnergizedCells(map, beam)).Max();
// follow the beam in the map and return the energized cell count.
int EnergizedCells(Map map, Beam beam) {
// this is essentially just a flood fill algorithm.
var q = new Queue<Beam>([beam]);
var seen = new HashSet<Beam>();
while (q.TryDequeue(out beam)) {
foreach (var dir in Exits(map[beam.pos], beam.dir)) {
var pos = beam.pos + dir;
if (map.ContainsKey(pos) && !seen.Contains((pos, dir))) {
q.Enqueue((pos, dir));
return seen.Select(beam => beam.pos).Distinct().Count();
// go around the edges (top, right, bottom, left order) of the map
// and return the inward pointing directions
IEnumerable<Beam> StartBeams(Map map) {
var br = map.Keys.MaxBy(pos => pos.Imaginary + pos.Real);
return [
..from pos in map.Keys where pos.Real == 0 select (pos, Down),
..from pos in map.Keys where pos.Real == br.Real select (pos, Left),
..from pos in map.Keys where pos.Imaginary == br.Imaginary select (pos, Up),
..from pos in map.Keys where pos.Imaginary == 0 select (pos, Right),
// using a dictionary helps with bounds check (simply containskey):
Map ParseMap(string input) {
var lines = input.Split('\n');
return (
from irow in Enumerable.Range(0, lines.Length)
from icol in Enumerable.Range(0, lines[0].Length)
let cell = lines[irow][icol]
let pos = new Complex(icol, irow)
select new KeyValuePair<Complex, char>(pos, cell)
// the 'exit' direction(s) of the given cell when entered by a beam moving in 'dir'
// we have some special cases for mirrors and spliters, the rest keeps the direction
Complex[] Exits(char cell, Complex dir) => cell switch {
'-' when dir == Up || dir == Down => [Left, Right],
'|' when dir == Left || dir == Right => [Up, Down],
'/' => [-new Complex(dir.Imaginary, dir.Real)],
'\\' => [new Complex(dir.Imaginary, dir.Real)],
_ => [dir]
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