The task description is copyrighted, but it's available here.
I modeled Part 1 following the description closely. I didn't want to introduce separate classes for the gate types, instead created just one Gate type with a function parameter that defines the inner logic. It basically tells what should be emitted when a signal comes in the gate's input.
Building on this, I defined factory functions for each gate type (Nand, FlipFlop and Repeater). I know that this is Elf logic, but it's 🎄, what did you expect?
I added a function that triggers the button and executes all the logic until things settle down. It returns all signals that were emitted, so that I can work with them in both parts.
I think Part 1 doesn't need more explanation. Part 2 however, is a different beast. It's a reverse
engineering problem. We need to tell how many times the button is to be pressed until a
single high value is emitted to the rx
gate. The catch is that we need to understand a
bit what's happening, because just blindly pressing the button will not terminate in a reasonable time.
I layed out the graph using Graphviz to see what's going on. This immediately showed that
feeds four different subgraphs. These work in isolation and a Nand gate
connects their output into rx
. Further investigation shows that each subgraph runs in a loop
that has prime length (at least for my input). We just need to multiply
them to solve the second half of the problem.
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2023.Day20;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Signal = (string sender, string receiver, bool value);
record Gate(string[] inputs, Func<Signal, IEnumerable<Signal>> handle);
[ProblemName("Pulse Propagation")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) {
var gates = ParseGates(input);
var values = (
from _ in Enumerable.Range(0, 1000)
from signal in Trigger(gates)
select signal.value
return values.Count(v => v) * values.Count(v => !v);
public object PartTwo(string input) {
// The input has a special structure. Broadcaster feeds 4 disconnected
// substructures which are channeled into a single nand gate at the end.
// The nand gate is connected into rx. I checked that the substructures
// work in a loop, that has prime length. Just need to multiply them all.
var gates = ParseGates(input);
var nand = gates["rx"].inputs.Single();
var branches = gates[nand].inputs;
return branches.Aggregate(1L, (m, branch) => m * LoopLength(input, branch));
int LoopLength(string input, string output) {
var gates = ParseGates(input);
for (var i = 1; ; i++) {
var signals = Trigger(gates);
if (signals.Any(s => s.sender == output && s.value)) {
return i;
// emits a button press, executes until things settle down and returns
// all signals for investigation.
IEnumerable<Signal> Trigger(Dictionary<string, Gate> gates) {
var q = new Queue<Signal>();
q.Enqueue(new Signal("button", "broadcaster", false));
while (q.TryDequeue(out var signal)) {
yield return signal;
var handler = gates[signal.receiver];
foreach (var signalT in handler.handle(signal)) {
Dictionary<string, Gate> ParseGates(string input) {
input += "\nrx ->"; // an extra rule for rx with no output
var descriptions =
from line in input.Split('\n')
let words = Regex.Matches(line, "\\w+").Select(m => m.Value).ToArray()
select (kind: line[0], name: words.First(), outputs: words[1..]);
var inputs = (string name) => (
from d in descriptions where d.outputs.Contains(name) select
return descriptions.ToDictionary(
d =>,
d => d.kind switch {
'&' => NandGate(, inputs(, d.outputs),
'%' => FlipFlop(, inputs(, d.outputs),
_ => Repeater(, inputs(, d.outputs)
Gate NandGate(string name, string[] inputs, string[] outputs) {
// initially assign low value for each input:
var state = inputs.ToDictionary(input => input, _ => false);
return new Gate(inputs, (Signal signal) => {
state[signal.sender] = signal.value;
var value = !state.Values.All(b => b);
return outputs.Select(o => new Signal(name, o, value));
Gate FlipFlop(string name, string[] inputs, string[] outputs) {
var state = false;
return new Gate(inputs, (Signal signal) => {
if (!signal.value) {
state = !state;
return outputs.Select(o => new Signal(name, o, state));
} else {
return [];
Gate Repeater(string name, string[] inputs, string[] outputs) {
return new Gate(inputs, (Signal s) =>
from o in outputs select new Signal(name, o, s.value)
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