Let's revisit the problem description here.
At first I solved this with carefully maintaining the number of different tiles (the 131x131 regions that repeat indefinitely) after each step. It turns out that there are only nine tile categories based on the direction closest to the starting point. The elf can go straight left, up, right and down and reach the next tile without obstacles. This is a special property of the input.
Each tile in a category can be in a few hundred different states. The first one (what I call the seed) is the point where the elf enters the tile. This can be the center of an edge or one of its corners. After seeding, the tile ages on its own pace. Thanks to an other property of the input, tiles are not affected by their neighbourhood. Aging continues until a tile grows up, when it starts to oscillate between just two states back and forth.
My first solution involved a 9 by 260 matrix containing the number of tiles in each state. I implemented the aging process and carefully computed when to seed new tiles for each category.
It turns out that if we are looking at only steps where n = 131 * k + 65
we can compute how many tiles are in each position of the matrix.
I haven't gone through this whole process, just checked a few examples
until I convinced myself that each and every item in the matrix is either
constant or a linear or quadratic function of n.
This is not that hard to see as it sounds. After some lead in at the
beginning, things start to work like this: in each batch of 131 steps a
set of center tiles and a set of corner styles is generated.
Always 4 center tiles come in, but corner tiles are linear in n: 1,2,3...
That is the grown up population for center tiles must be linear in n
and quadratic for the corners (can be computed using triangular numbers).
If we know the active positions for each tile category and state, we can multiply it with the number of tiles and sum it up to get the result. This all means that if we reorganize the equations we get to a form of:
a * n^2 + b * n + c if n = k * 131 + 65
We just need to compute this polynom for 3 values and interpolate.
Finally evaluate for n = 26501365
which happens to be 202300 * 131 + 65
to get the final result.
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2023.Day21;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
[ProblemName("Step Counter")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) => Steps(ParseMap(input)).ElementAt(64);
public object PartTwo(string input) {
// Exploiting some nice properties of the input it reduces to quadratic
// interpolation over 3 points: k * 131 + 65 for k = 0, 1, 2
// I used the Newton method.
var steps = Steps(ParseMap(input)).Take(328).ToArray();
(decimal x0, decimal y0) = (65, steps[65]);
(decimal x1, decimal y1) = (196, steps[196]);
(decimal x2, decimal y2) = (327, steps[327]);
decimal y01 = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0);
decimal y12 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
decimal y012 = (y12 - y01) / (x2 - x0);
var n = 26501365;
return decimal.Round(y0 + y01 * (n - x0) + y012 * (n - x0) * (n - x1));
// walks around and returns the number of available positions at each step
IEnumerable<long> Steps(HashSet<Complex> map) {
var positions = new HashSet<Complex> { new Complex(65, 65) };
while(true) {
yield return positions.Count;
positions = Step(map, positions);
HashSet<Complex> Step(HashSet<Complex> map, HashSet<Complex> positions) {
Complex[] dirs = [1, -1, Complex.ImaginaryOne, -Complex.ImaginaryOne];
var res = new HashSet<Complex>();
foreach (var pos in positions) {
foreach (var dir in dirs) {
var posT = pos + dir;
var tileCol = Mod(posT.Real, 131);
var tileRow = Mod(posT.Imaginary, 131);
if (map.Contains(new Complex(tileCol, tileRow))) {
return res;
// the double % takes care of negative numbers
double Mod(double n, int m) => ((n % m) + m) % m;
HashSet<Complex> ParseMap(string input) {
var lines = input.Split("\n");
return (
from irow in Enumerable.Range(0, lines.Length)
from icol in Enumerable.Range(0, lines[0].Length)
where lines[irow][icol] != '#'
select new Complex(icol, irow)
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