Visit the Advent of Code website for the problem statement here.
Today's problem looked frightening first, because it's asking for the longest path between two points of a map. Shortest path is a no brainer with Dijkstra or whatever graph search, but I don't know about an efficient way to calculate the longest one. I have a feeling that it is somehow related to the Hamiltonian path which is NP-complete, so there might not even exists a super efficient algorithm to solve today's problem in the generic case.
But this is a puzzle, so let's get to it. I decided to convert the problem from
map traversal to graph traversal first. Created nodes from the crossroads of
the map (those tiles that connect 3 or more "."
cells). Also assigned a node to
the entry and one to the exit.
Two nodes become connected if there is a road between them. That is, they are reachable following the path in the map without visiting other crossroads in between.
This reduced the problem quite a bit. In my case it went down to about 30 nodes and 120 edges for Part 2. Part 1 is even smaller with 60 edges or so.
This graph is small enough to solve it using dynamic programming with a cache. Since we have just 30+ nodes, I represented them as powers of 2 and a set of these became a bitset stored in a long.
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2023.Day23;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Linq;
using Map = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Numerics.Complex, char>;
using Node = long;
record Edge(Node start, Node end, int distance);
[ProblemName("A Long Walk")]
class Solution : Solver {
// Instead of dealing with the 'map' tiles directly, we convert it to a graph.
// Nodes: the entry tile, the exit and the crossroad tiles.
// Edges: two nodes are connected if there is a direct path between them that
// doesn't contain crossroads.
// This reduces a problem to ~30 nodes and 120 edges for the Part 2 case
// which can be solved using a dynamic programming approach.
static readonly Complex Up = -Complex.ImaginaryOne;
static readonly Complex Down = Complex.ImaginaryOne;
static readonly Complex Left = -1;
static readonly Complex Right = 1;
static readonly Complex[] Dirs = [Up, Down, Left, Right];
Dictionary<char, Complex[]> exits = new() {
['<'] = [Left],
['>'] = [Right],
['^'] = [Up],
['v'] = [Down],
['.'] = Dirs,
['#'] = []
public object PartOne(string input) => Solve(input);
public object PartTwo(string input) => Solve(RemoveSlopes(input));
string RemoveSlopes(string st) =>
string.Join("", st.Select(ch => ">v<^".Contains(ch) ? '.' : ch));
int Solve(string input) {
var (nodes, edges) = MakeGraph(input);
var (start, goal) = (nodes.First(), nodes.Last());
// Dynamic programming using a cache, 'visited' is a bitset of 'nodes'.
var cache = new Dictionary<(Node, long), int>();
int LongestPath(Node node, long visited) {
if (node == goal) {
return 0;
} else if ((visited & node) != 0) {
return int.MinValue; // small enough to represent '-infinity'
var key = (node, visited);
if (!cache.ContainsKey(key)) {
cache[key] = edges
.Where(e => e.start == node)
.Select(e => e.distance + LongestPath(e.end, visited | node))
return cache[key];
return LongestPath(start, 0);
(Node[], Edge[]) MakeGraph(string input) {
var map = ParseMap(input);
// row-major order: 'entry' node comes first and 'exit' is last
var nodePos = (
from pos in map.Keys
orderby pos.Imaginary, pos.Real
where IsFree(map, pos) && !IsRoad(map, pos)
select pos
var nodes = (
from i in Enumerable.Range(0, nodePos.Length) select 1L << i
var edges = (
from i in Enumerable.Range(0, nodePos.Length)
from j in Enumerable.Range(0, nodePos.Length)
where i != j
let distance = Distance(map, nodePos[i], nodePos[j])
where distance > 0
select new Edge(nodes[i], nodes[j], distance)
return (nodes, edges);
// Length of the road between two crossroads; -1 if not neighbours
int Distance(Map map, Complex crossroadA, Complex crossroadB) {
var q = new Queue<(Complex, int)>();
q.Enqueue((crossroadA, 0));
var visited = new HashSet<Complex> { crossroadA };
while (q.Any()) {
var (pos, dist) = q.Dequeue();
foreach (var dir in exits[map[pos]]) {
var posT = pos + dir;
if (posT == crossroadB) {
return dist + 1;
} else if (IsRoad(map, posT) && !visited.Contains(posT)) {
q.Enqueue((posT, dist + 1));
return -1;
bool IsFree(Map map, Complex p) =>
map.ContainsKey(p) && map[p] != '#';
bool IsRoad(Map map, Complex p) =>
IsFree(map, p) && Dirs.Count(d => IsFree(map, p + d)) == 2;
Map ParseMap(string input) {
var lines = input.Split('\n');
return (
from irow in Enumerable.Range(0, lines.Length)
from icol in Enumerable.Range(0, lines[0].Length)
let pos = new Complex(icol, irow)
select new KeyValuePair<Complex, char>(pos, lines[irow][icol])
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