As you approach Santa's ship, your sensors report two important details:
First, that you might be too late: the internal temperature is -40
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2019.Day25;
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) {
var securityRoom = "== Security Checkpoint ==";
var icm = new IntCodeMachine(input);
var description = icm.Run().ToAscii();
VisitRooms(securityRoom, icm, description, args => {
foreach (var item in args.items) {
if (item != "infinite loop") {
var takeCmd = "take " + item;
var clone = icm.Clone();
if (!clone.Halted() && Inventory(clone).Contains(item)) {
return null;
var door = VisitRooms(securityRoom, icm, description, args => == securityRoom ? args.doors.Single(door => door != ReverseDir(args.doorTaken)) : null);
Random r = new Random();
void TakeOrDrop(string cmd, List<string> from, List<string> to) {
var i = r.Next(from.Count);
var item = from[i];
icm.Run(cmd + " " + item);
var inventory = Inventory(icm).ToList();
var floor = new List<string>();
while (true) {
var output = icm.Run(door).ToAscii();
if (output.Contains("heavier")) {
TakeOrDrop("take", floor, inventory);
} else if (output.Contains("lighter")) {
TakeOrDrop("drop", inventory, floor);
} else {
return long.Parse(Regex.Match(output, @"\d+").Value);
List<string> directions = new List<string>() { "south", "east", "west", "north" };
string ReverseDir(string direction) => directions[3 - directions.IndexOf(direction)];
string VisitRooms(
string securityRoom,
IntCodeMachine icm,
string description,
Func<(IEnumerable<string> items, string room, string doorTaken, IEnumerable<string> doors), string> callback
) {
var roomsSeen = new HashSet<string>();
string DFS(string description, string doorTaken) {
var room = description.Split("\n").Single(x => x.Contains("=="));
var listing = GetListItems(description).ToHashSet();
var doors = listing.Intersect(directions);
var items = listing.Except(doors);
if (!roomsSeen.Contains(room)) {
var res = callback((items, room, doorTaken, doors));
if (res != null) {
return res;
if (room != securityRoom) {
foreach (var door in doors) {
res = DFS(icm.Run(door).ToAscii(), door);
if (res != null) {
return res;
return null;
return DFS(description, null);
IEnumerable<string> Inventory(IntCodeMachine icm) => GetListItems(icm.Run("inv").ToAscii());
IEnumerable<string> GetListItems(string description) =>
from line in description.Split("\n")
where line.StartsWith("- ")
select line.Substring(2);
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