Advent of Code


Space Stoichiometry

in C#

by encse

As you approach the rings of Saturn, your ship's low fuel indicator turns on. There isn't any fuel here, but the rings have plenty of raw material. Perhaps your ship's Inter-Stellar Refinery Union brand nanofactory can turn these raw materials into fuel.

You ask the nanofactory to produce a list of the reactions it can perform that are relevant to this process (your puzzle input). Every reaction turns some quantities of specific input chemicals into some quantity of an output chemical. Almost every chemical is produced by exactly one reaction; the only exception, ORE, is the raw material input to the entire process and is not produced by a reaction.

Read the full puzzle.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2019.Day14;

[ProblemName("Space Stoichiometry")]
class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) => Parse(input)(1);
    public object PartTwo(string input) {
        var oreForFuel = Parse(input);

        var ore = 1000000000000L;

        var fuel = 1L;
        while (true) {
            // newFuel <= the amount we can produce with the given ore
            // since (double)ore / oreForFuel(fuel) >= 1, fuel becomes
            // a better estimation in each iteration until it reaches 
            // the maximum

            var newFuel = (int)((double)ore / oreForFuel(fuel) * fuel);

            if (newFuel == fuel) {
                return newFuel;
            fuel = newFuel;

    Func<long, long> Parse(string productionRules) {
        (string chemical, long amount) ParseReagent(string st) {
            var parts = st.Split(" ");
            return (parts[1], long.Parse(parts[0]));

        var reactions = (
            from rule in productionRules.Split("\n")
            let inout = rule.Split(" => ")
            let input = inout[0].Split(", ").Select(ParseReagent).ToArray()
            let output = ParseReagent(inout[1])
            select (output, input)
        ).ToDictionary(inout => inout.output.chemical, inout => inout);

        return (fuel) => {

            var ore = 0L;
            var inventory = reactions.Keys.ToDictionary(chemical => chemical, _ => 0L);
            var productionList = new Queue<(string chemical, long amount)>();
            productionList.Enqueue(("FUEL", fuel));

            while (productionList.Any()) {
                var (chemical, amount) = productionList.Dequeue();
                if (chemical == "ORE") {
                    ore += amount;
                } else {
                    var reaction = reactions[chemical];

                    var useFromInventory = Math.Min(amount, inventory[chemical]);
                    amount -= useFromInventory;
                    inventory[chemical] -= useFromInventory;

                    if (amount > 0) {
                        var multiplier = (long)Math.Ceiling((decimal)amount / reaction.output.amount);
                        inventory[chemical] = Math.Max(0, multiplier * reaction.output.amount - amount);

                        foreach (var reagent in reaction.input) {
                            productionList.Enqueue((reagent.chemical, reagent.amount * multiplier));
            return ore;

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