Advent of Code


Set and Forget

in C#

by encse

An early warning system detects an incoming solar flare and automatically activates the ship's electromagnetic shield. Unfortunately, this has cut off the Wi-Fi for many small robots that, unaware of the impending danger, are now trapped on exterior scaffolding on the unsafe side of the shield. To rescue them, you'll have to act quickly!

The only tools at your disposal are some wired cameras and a small vacuum robot currently asleep at its charging station. The video quality is poor, but the vacuum robot has a needlessly bright LED that makes it easy to spot no matter where it is.

Read the full puzzle.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2019.Day17;

[ProblemName("Set and Forget")]
class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) {
        var mx = Screenshot(input);

        var crow = mx.Length;
        var ccol = mx[0].Length;
        var cross = ".#.\n###\n.#.".Split("\n");

        bool crossing(int irow, int icol) => (
            from drow in new[] { -1, 0, 1 }
            from dcol in new[] { -1, 0, 1 }
            select cross[1 + drow][1 + dcol] == mx[irow + drow][icol + dcol]
        ).All(x => x);

        return (
            from irow in Enumerable.Range(1, crow - 2)
            from icol in Enumerable.Range(1, ccol - 2)
            where crossing(irow, icol)
            select icol * irow

    public object PartTwo(string input) {
        var program = GeneratePrograms(Path(input)).First();

        var icm = new IntCodeMachine(input);
        icm.memory[0] = 2;
        return icm.Run(program).Last();

    string[] Screenshot(string input) {
        var icm = new IntCodeMachine(input);
        var output = icm.Run();
        return output.ToAscii().Split("\n").Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToArray();

    IEnumerable<string> GeneratePrograms(string path) {

        IEnumerable<(ImmutableList<int> indices, ImmutableList<string> functions)> GenerateRec(string path, ImmutableList<string> functions) {
            if (path.Length == 0) {
                yield return (ImmutableList<int>.Empty, functions);

            for (var i = 0; i < functions.Count; i++) {
                var function = functions[i];

                if (path.StartsWith(function)) {

                    var pathT = path.Substring(function.Length);
                    foreach (var res in GenerateRec(pathT, functions)) {
                        yield return (res.indices.Insert(0, i), res.functions);

            if (functions.Count < 3) {
                for (var length = 1; length <= path.Length; length++) {
                    var function = path[0..length].ToString();
                    var functionsT = functions.Add(function);
                    var idx = functions.Count;
                    var pathT = path.Substring(function.Length);
                    foreach (var res in GenerateRec(pathT, functionsT)) {
                        yield return (res.indices.Insert(0, idx), res.functions);

        foreach (var (indices, functions) in GenerateRec(path, ImmutableList<string>.Empty)) {

            var compressed = functions.Select(Compress).ToArray();
            if (indices.Count <= 20 && compressed.All(c => c.Length <= 20)) {

                var main = string.Join(",", indices.Select(i => "ABC"[i]));
                yield return $"{main}\n{compressed[0]}\n{compressed[1]}\n{compressed[2]}\nn\n";


    string Compress(string st) {
        var steps = new List<string>();
        var l = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < st.Length; i++) {
            var ch = st[i];

            if (l > 0 && ch != 'F') {
                l = 0;
            if (ch == 'R' || ch == 'L') {
            } else {
        if (l > 0) {
        return string.Join(",", steps);

    string Path(string input) {
        var mx = Screenshot(input);
        var crow = mx.Length;
        var ccol = mx[0].Length;

        var (pos, dir) = FindRobot(mx);
        char look((int irow, int icol) pos) {
            var (irow, icol) = pos;
            return irow < 0 || irow >= crow || icol < 0 || icol >= ccol ? '.' : mx[irow][icol];

        var path = "";
        var finished = false;
        while (!finished) {
            finished = true;
            foreach (var (nextDir, step) in new[]{
                ((drow:  dir.drow, dcol:  dir.dcol), "F"),
                ((drow: -dir.dcol, dcol:  dir.drow), "LF"),
                ((drow:  dir.dcol, dcol: -dir.drow), "RF")
            }) {
                var nextPos = (pos.irow + nextDir.drow, pos.icol + nextDir.dcol);
                if (look(nextPos) == '#') {
                    path += step;
                    pos = nextPos;
                    dir = nextDir;
                    finished = false;
        return path;

    ((int irow, int icol) pos, (int drow, int dcol) dir) FindRobot(string[] mx) => (
        from irow in Enumerable.Range(0, mx.Length)
        from icol in Enumerable.Range(0, mx[0].Length)
        let ch = mx[irow][icol]
        where "^v<>".Contains(ch)
        let dir = mx[irow][icol] switch
            '^' => (-1, 0),
            'v' => (1, 0),
            '<' => (0, -1),
            '>' => (0, 1),
            _ => throw new Exception()
        select ((irow, icol), dir)

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