You land on Eris, your last stop before reaching Santa. As soon as you do, your sensors start picking up strange life forms moving around: Eris is infested with bugs! With an over 24-hour roundtrip for messages between you and Earth, you'll have to deal with this problem on your own.
Eris isn't a very large place; a scan of the entire area fits into a 5x5 grid (your puzzle input). The scan shows bugs (#
) and empty spaces (.
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2019.Day24;
record Position(int ilevel, int irow, int icol);
[ProblemName("Planet of Discord")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) {
int[] levels = Parse(input);
var seen = new HashSet<int>();
var biodiversity = levels[0];
while (!seen.Contains(biodiversity)) {
levels = Step(levels, FlatNeighbours);
biodiversity = levels[levels.Length >> 1];
return biodiversity;
public object PartTwo(string input) {
int[] levels = Parse(input);
for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
levels = Step(levels, RecursiveNeighbours);
return (
from level in levels
from pos in Positions()
where pos != (2,2) && HasBug(level, pos.irow, pos.icol)
select 1
int[] Parse(string input) {
var biodiversity = 0;
var m = 1;
foreach (var ch in input.Replace("\n", "")) {
if (ch == '#') {
biodiversity += m;
m <<= 1;
return new[] { biodiversity };
IEnumerable<(int irow, int icol)> Positions() {
for (var irow = 0; irow < 5; irow++) {
for (var icol = 0; icol < 5; icol++) {
yield return (irow, icol);
bool HasBug(int biodiversity, int irow, int icol) {
return ((biodiversity >> (irow * 5 + icol)) & 1) == 1;
int SetBug(int biodiversity, int irow, int icol) {
return biodiversity | (1 << (irow * 5 + icol));
int[] Step(int[] oldLevelsT, Func<Position, IEnumerable<Position>> neighbours) {
var oldLevels = oldLevelsT.ToList();
oldLevels.Insert(0, 0);
var newLevels = new List<int>();
for (var ilevel = 0; ilevel < oldLevels.Count; ilevel++) {
var newLevel = 0;
foreach (var (irow, icol) in Positions()) {
var bugCount = 0;
foreach (var (ilevelT, irowT, icolT) in neighbours(new Position(ilevel, irow, icol))) {
if (ilevelT >= 0 && ilevelT < oldLevels.Count) {
bugCount += HasBug(oldLevels[ilevelT], irowT, icolT) ? 1 : 0;
if (!HasBug(oldLevels[ilevel], irow, icol)) {
if (bugCount == 1 || bugCount == 2) {
newLevel = SetBug(newLevel, irow, icol);
} else {
if (bugCount == 1) {
newLevel = SetBug(newLevel, irow, icol);
return newLevels.ToArray();
IEnumerable<Position> FlatNeighbours(Position pos) {
foreach (var (drow, dcol) in new[] { (0, 1), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0) }) {
var (irowT, icolT) = (pos.irow + drow, pos.icol + dcol);
if (icolT >= 0 && icolT <= 4 && irowT >= 0 && irowT <= 4) {
yield return new Position(pos.ilevel, irowT, icolT);
IEnumerable<Position> RecursiveNeighbours(Position pos) {
var (ilevel, irow, icol) = pos;
foreach (var (drow, dcol) in new[] { (0, 1), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0) }) {
var posMin = (irow: irow + drow, icol: icol + dcol);
var posMax = (irow: irow + drow, icol: icol + dcol);
var ilevelT = ilevel;
if (posMin.irow == -1) {
ilevelT = ilevel - 1;
posMin = posMax = (1, 2);
} else if (posMin.irow == 5) {
ilevelT = ilevel - 1;
posMin = posMax = (3, 2);
} else if (posMin.icol == -1) {
ilevelT = ilevel - 1;
posMin = posMax = (2, 1);
} else if (posMin.icol == 5) {
ilevelT = ilevel - 1;
posMin = posMax = (2, 3);
} else if (posMin == (2, 2)) {
ilevelT = ilevel + 1;
if (dcol == 0) {
posMin = (drow == 1 ? 0 : 4, 0);
posMax = (drow == 1 ? 0 : 4, 4);
} else if (drow == 0) {
posMin = (0, dcol == 1 ? 0 : 4);
posMax = (4, dcol == 1 ? 0 : 4);
for (var irowT = posMin.irow; irowT <= posMax.irow; irowT++) {
for (var icolT = posMin.icol; icolT <= posMax.icol; icolT++) {
yield return new Position(ilevelT, irowT, icolT);
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