On the way to Jupiter, you're pulled over by the Space Police.
"Attention, unmarked spacecraft! You are in violation of Space Law! All spacecraft must have a clearly visible registration identifier! You have 24 hours to comply or be sent to Space Jail!"
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2019.Day11;
[ProblemName("Space Police")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) => Run(input, 0).Count;
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var dict = Run(input, 1);
var irowMin = dict.Keys.Select(pos => pos.irow).Min();
var icolMin = dict.Keys.Select(pos => pos.icol).Min();
var irowMax = dict.Keys.Select(pos => pos.irow).Max();
var icolMax = dict.Keys.Select(pos => pos.icol).Max();
var crow = irowMax - irowMin + 1;
var ccol = icolMax - icolMin + 1;
var st = "";
for (var irow = 0; irow < crow; irow++) {
for (var icol = 0; icol < ccol; icol++) {
st += " #"[dict.GetValueOrDefault((irowMin + irow, icolMin + icol), 0)];
st += "\n";
return st.Ocr();
Dictionary<(int irow, int icol), int> Run(string input, int startColor) {
var mtx = new Dictionary<(int irow, int icol), int>();
(int irow, int icol) pos = (0, 0);
(int drow, int dcol) dir = (-1, 0);
mtx[(0, 0)] = startColor;
var icm = new IntCodeMachine(input);
while (true) {
var output = icm.Run(mtx.GetValueOrDefault(pos, 0));
if (icm.Halted()) {
return mtx;
mtx[pos] = (int)output[0];
dir = output[1] switch {
0 => (-dir.dcol, dir.drow),
1 => (dir.dcol, -dir.drow),
_ => throw new ArgumentException()
pos = (pos.irow + dir.drow, pos.icol + dir.dcol);
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