Advent of Code


Many-Worlds Interpretation

in C#

by encse

As you approach Neptune, a planetary security system detects you and activates a giant tractor beam on Triton! You have no choice but to land.

A scan of the local area reveals only one interesting feature: a massive underground vault. You generate a map of the tunnels (your puzzle input). The tunnels are too narrow to move diagonally.

Read the full puzzle.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2019.Day18;

class Maze {
    string[] maze;
    public Maze(string st) {
        this.maze = st.Split("\n");
    int ccol => maze[0].Length;
    int crow => maze.Length;
    Dictionary<char, (int, int)> positionCache = new Dictionary<char, (int, int)>();
    Dictionary<(char, char), int> distanceCache = new Dictionary<(char, char), int>();

    public char Look((int irow, int icol) pos) {
        var (irow, icol) = pos;
        if (irow < 0 || irow >= crow || icol < 0 || icol >= ccol) {
            return '#';
        return maze[irow][icol];


    public (int irow, int icol) Find(char ch) {
        if (!positionCache.ContainsKey(ch)) {
            for (var irow = 0; irow < crow; irow++) {
                for (var icol = 0; icol < ccol; icol++) {
                    if (maze[irow][icol] == ch) {
                        positionCache[ch] = (irow, icol);
                        return positionCache[ch];
            throw new Exception();
        } else {
            return positionCache[ch];

    public int Distance(char chA, char chB) {
        var key = (chA, chB);
        if (!distanceCache.ContainsKey(key)) {
            distanceCache[key] = ComputeDistance(chA, chB);
        return distanceCache[key];

    int ComputeDistance(char chA, char chB) {
        var pos = Find(chA);
        if (chA == chB) {
            return 0;
        var q = new Queue<((int irow, int icol) pos, int dist)>();
        int dist = 0;
        q.Enqueue((pos, dist));

        var seen = new HashSet<(int irow, int icol)>();
        while (q.Any()) {
            (pos, dist) = q.Dequeue();

            foreach (var (drow, dcol) in new[] { (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1) }) {
                var posT = (pos.irow + drow, pos.icol + dcol);
                var ch = Look(posT);

                if (seen.Contains(posT) || ch == '#') {

                var distT = dist + 1;

                if (ch == chB) {
                    return distT;
                } else {
                    q.Enqueue((posT, distT));
        throw new Exception();

[ProblemName("Many-Worlds Interpretation")]
class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) {
        var maze = new Maze(input);

        var dependencies = GenerateDependencies(maze);
        return Solve(maze);

    public object PartTwo(string input) {
        var d = 0;
        foreach (var subMaze in GenerateSubMazes(input)) {
            var maze = new Maze(subMaze);

            var dependencies = GenerateDependencies(maze);
            d += Solve(maze);
        return d;

    IEnumerable<string> GenerateSubMazes(string input) {
        var mx = input.Split("\n").Select(x => x.ToCharArray()).ToArray();
        var crow = mx.Length;
        var ccol = mx[0].Length;
        var hrow = crow / 2;
        var hcol = ccol / 2;
        var pattern = "@#@\n###\n@#@".Split();
        foreach (var drow in new[] { -1, 0, 1 }) {
            foreach (var dcol in new[] { -1, 0, 1 }) {
                mx[hrow + drow][hcol + dcol] = pattern[1 + drow][1 + dcol];

        foreach (var (drow, dcol) in new[] { (0, 0), (0, hcol + 1), (hrow + 1, 0), (hrow + 1, hcol + 1) }) {
            var res = "";
            for (var irow = 0; irow < hrow; irow++) {
                res += string.Join("", mx[irow + drow].Skip(dcol).Take(hcol)) + "\n";

            for (var ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++) {
                if (!res.Contains(char.ToLower(ch))) {
                    res = res.Replace(ch, '.');
            res = res.Substring(0, res.Length - 1);
            yield return res;

    int Solve(Maze maze) {
        var dependencies = GenerateDependencies(maze);
        var cache = new Dictionary<string, int>();

        int SolveRecursive(char currentItem, ImmutableHashSet<char> keys
        ) {
            if (keys.Count == 0) {
                return 0;
            var cacheKey = currentItem + string.Join("", keys);

            if (!cache.ContainsKey(cacheKey)) {
                var result = int.MaxValue;
                foreach (var key in keys) {
                    if (dependencies[key].Intersect(keys).Count == 0) {
                        var d = maze.Distance(currentItem, key) + SolveRecursive(key, keys.Remove(key));
                        result = Math.Min(d, result);
                cache[cacheKey] = result;
            return cache[cacheKey];

        return SolveRecursive('@', dependencies.Keys.ToImmutableHashSet());

    Dictionary<char, ImmutableHashSet<char>> GenerateDependencies(Maze maze) {
        var q = new Queue<((int irow, int icol) pos, string dependsOn)>();
        var pos = maze.Find('@');
        var dependsOn = "";
        q.Enqueue((pos, dependsOn));

        var res = new Dictionary<char, ImmutableHashSet<char>>();
        var seen = new HashSet<(int irow, int icol)>();
        while (q.Any()) {
            (pos, dependsOn) = q.Dequeue();

            foreach (var (drow, dcol) in new[] { (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1) }) {
                var posT = (pos.irow + drow, pos.icol + dcol);
                var ch = maze.Look(posT);

                if (seen.Contains(posT) || ch == '#') {

                var dependsOnT = dependsOn;

                if (char.IsLower(ch)) {
                    res[ch] = ImmutableHashSet.CreateRange(dependsOn);

                if (char.IsLetter(ch)) {
                    dependsOnT += char.ToLower(ch);
                q.Enqueue((posT, dependsOnT));
        return res;

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