With everything replanted for next year (and with elephants and monkeys to tend the grove), you and the Elves leave for the extraction point.
Partway up the mountain that shields the grove is a flat, open area that serves as the extraction point. It's a bit of a climb, but nothing the expedition can't handle.
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2022.Day24;
[ProblemName("Blizzard Basin")]
class Solution : Solver {
// We do a standard A* algorithm, the only trick is that
// the 'map' always changes as blizzards move, so our position
// is now a space time coordinate.
// I used an efficent Maps class that can be queried with these.
record Pos(int time, int irow, int icol);
public object PartOne(string input) {
var (entry, exit, maps) = Parse(input);
return WalkTo(entry, exit, maps).time;
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var (entry, exit, maps) = Parse(input);
var pos = WalkTo(entry, exit, maps);
pos = WalkTo(pos, entry, maps);
pos = WalkTo(pos, exit, maps);
return pos.time;
// Standard A* algorithm
Pos WalkTo(Pos start, Pos goal, Maps maps) {
var q = new PriorityQueue<Pos, int>();
int f(Pos pos) {
// estimate the remaining step count with Manhattan distance
var dist =
Math.Abs(goal.irow - pos.irow) +
Math.Abs(goal.icol - pos.icol);
return pos.time + dist;
q.Enqueue(start, f(start));
HashSet<Pos> seen = new HashSet<Pos>();
while (q.Count > 0) {
var pos = q.Dequeue();
if (pos.irow == goal.irow && pos.icol == goal.icol) {
return pos;
foreach (var nextPos in NextPositions(pos, maps)) {
if (!seen.Contains(nextPos)) {
q.Enqueue(nextPos, f(nextPos));
throw new Exception();
// Increase time, look for free neighbours
IEnumerable<Pos> NextPositions(Pos pos, Maps maps) {
pos = pos with {time = pos.time + 1};
foreach (var nextPos in new Pos[]{
pos with {irow=pos.irow -1},
pos with {irow=pos.irow +1},
pos with {icol=pos.icol -1},
pos with {icol=pos.icol +1},
}) {
if (maps.Get(nextPos) == '.') {
yield return nextPos;
(Pos entry, Pos exit, Maps maps) Parse(string input) {
var maps = new Maps(input);
var entry = new Pos(0, 0, 1);
var exit = new Pos(int.MaxValue, maps.crow - 1, maps.ccol - 2);
return (entry, exit, maps);
// Space-time indexable map
class Maps {
private string[] map;
public readonly int crow;
public readonly int ccol;
public Maps(string input) {
map = input.Split("\n");
this.crow = map.Length;
this.ccol = map[0].Length;
public char Get(Pos pos) {
if (pos.irow == 0 && pos.icol == 1) {
return '.';
if (pos.irow == crow - 1 && pos.icol == ccol - 2) {
return '.';
if (pos.irow <= 0 || pos.irow >= crow - 1 ||
pos.icol <= 0 || pos.icol >= ccol - 1
) {
return '#';
// blizzards have a horizontal and a vertical loop
// it's easy to check the original postions with going back in time
// using modular arithmetic
var hmod = ccol - 2;
var vmod = crow - 2;
var icolW = (pos.icol - 1 + hmod - (pos.time % hmod)) % hmod + 1;
var icolE = (pos.icol - 1 + hmod + (pos.time % hmod)) % hmod + 1;
var icolN = (pos.irow - 1 + vmod - (pos.time % vmod)) % vmod + 1;
var icolS = (pos.irow - 1 + vmod + (pos.time % vmod)) % vmod + 1;
map[pos.irow][icolW] == '>' ? '>':
map[pos.irow][icolE] == '<' ? '<':
map[icolN][pos.icol] == 'v' ? 'v':
map[icolS][pos.icol] == '^' ? '^':
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