You try contacting the Elves using your handheld device, but the river you're following must be too low to get a decent signal.
You ask the device for a heightmap of the surrounding area (your puzzle input). The heightmap shows the local area from above broken into a grid; the elevation of each square of the grid is given by a single lowercase letter, where a
is the lowest elevation, b
is the next-lowest, and so on up to the highest elevation, z
Read the full puzzle.
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2022.Day12;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
// Standard breadth-first algorithm, starting from the goal node and walking backwards.
// I used a dictionary to represent valid coordinates, it's very handy when in need of
// enumerating all coordinates or checking if we are stepping to valid location.
[ProblemName("Hill Climbing Algorithm")]
class Solution : Solver {
// I feel like a cartographer today
record struct Coord(int lat, int lon);
// we have two 'char' like things, let's introduce wrappers to keep them well separated in code
record struct Symbol(char value);
record struct Elevation(char value);
// locations on the map will be represented by the following structure of points-of-interests.
record struct Poi(Symbol symbol, Elevation elevation, int distanceFromGoal);
Symbol startSymbol = new Symbol('S');
Symbol goalSymbol = new Symbol('E');
Elevation lowestElevation = new Elevation('a');
Elevation highestElevation = new Elevation('z');
public object PartOne(string input) =>
.Single(poi => poi.symbol == startSymbol)
public object PartTwo(string input) =>
.Where(poi => poi.elevation == lowestElevation)
.Select(poi => poi.distanceFromGoal)
IEnumerable<Poi> GetPois(string input) {
var map = ParseMap(input);
var goal = map.Keys.Single(point => map[point] == goalSymbol);
// starting from the goal symbol compute shortest paths for each point of
// the map using a breadth-first search.
var poiByCoord = new Dictionary<Coord, Poi>() {
{goal, new Poi(goalSymbol, GetElevation(goalSymbol), 0)}
var q = new Queue<Coord>();
while (q.Any()) {
var thisCoord = q.Dequeue();
var thisPoi = poiByCoord[thisCoord];
foreach (var nextCoord in Neighbours(thisCoord).Where(map.ContainsKey)) {
if (poiByCoord.ContainsKey(nextCoord)) {
var nextSymbol = map[nextCoord];
var nextElevation = GetElevation(nextSymbol);
if (thisPoi.elevation.value - nextElevation.value <= 1) {
poiByCoord[nextCoord] = new Poi(
symbol: nextSymbol,
elevation: nextElevation,
distanceFromGoal: thisPoi.distanceFromGoal + 1
return poiByCoord.Values;
Elevation GetElevation(Symbol symbol) =>
symbol.value switch {
'S' => lowestElevation,
'E' => highestElevation,
_ => new Elevation(symbol.value)
// locations are parsed into a dictionary so that valid coordinates and
// neighbours are easy to deal with
ImmutableDictionary<Coord, Symbol> ParseMap(string input) {
var lines = input.Split("\n");
return (
from y in Enumerable.Range(0, lines.Length)
from x in Enumerable.Range(0, lines[0].Length)
select new KeyValuePair<Coord, Symbol>(
new Coord(x, y), new Symbol(lines[y][x])
IEnumerable<Coord> Neighbours(Coord coord) =>
new[] {
coord with {lat = + 1},
coord with {lat = - 1},
coord with {lon = coord.lon + 1},
coord with {lon = coord.lon - 1},
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