As you finally start making your way upriver, you realize your pack is much lighter than you remember. Just then, one of the items from your pack goes flying overhead. Monkeys are playing Keep Away with your missing things!
To get your stuff back, you need to be able to predict where the monkeys will throw your items. After some careful observation, you realize the monkeys operate based on how worried you are about each item.
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2022.Day11;
[ProblemName("Monkey in the Middle")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) {
var monkeys = ParseMonkeys(input);
Run(20, monkeys, w => w / 3);
return GetMonkeyBusinessLevel(monkeys);
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var monkeys = ParseMonkeys(input);
var mod = monkeys.Aggregate(1, (mod, monkey) => mod * monkey.mod);
Run(10_000, monkeys, w => w % mod);
return GetMonkeyBusinessLevel(monkeys);
Monkey[] ParseMonkeys(string input) =>
Monkey ParseMonkey(string input) {
var monkey = new Monkey();
foreach (var line in input.Split("\n")) {
var tryParse = LineParser(line);
if (tryParse(@"Monkey (\d+)", out var arg)) {
// pass
} else if (tryParse("Starting items: (.*)", out arg)) {
monkey.items = new Queue<long>(arg.Split(", ").Select(long.Parse));
} else if (tryParse(@"Operation: new = old \* old", out _)) {
monkey.operation = old => old * old;
} else if (tryParse(@"Operation: new = old \* (\d+)", out arg)) {
monkey.operation = old => old * int.Parse(arg);
} else if (tryParse(@"Operation: new = old \+ (\d+)", out arg)) {
monkey.operation = old => old + int.Parse(arg);
} else if (tryParse(@"Test: divisible by (\d+)", out arg)) {
monkey.mod = int.Parse(arg);
} else if (tryParse(@"If true: throw to monkey (\d+)", out arg)) {
monkey.passToMonkeyIfDivides = int.Parse(arg);
} else if (tryParse(@"If false: throw to monkey (\d+)", out arg)) {
monkey.passToMonkeyOtherwise = int.Parse(arg);
} else {
throw new ArgumentException(line);
return monkey;
long GetMonkeyBusinessLevel(IEnumerable<Monkey> monkeys) =>
.OrderByDescending(monkey => monkey.inspectedItems)
.Aggregate(1L, (res, monkey) => res * monkey.inspectedItems);
void Run(int rounds, Monkey[] monkeys, Func<long, long> updateWorryLevel) {
for (var i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {
foreach (var monkey in monkeys) {
while (monkey.items.Any()) {
var item = monkey.items.Dequeue();
item = monkey.operation(item);
item = updateWorryLevel(item);
var targetMonkey = item % monkey.mod == 0 ?
monkey.passToMonkeyIfDivides :
class Monkey {
public Queue<long> items;
public Func<long, long> operation;
public int inspectedItems;
public int mod;
public int passToMonkeyIfDivides, passToMonkeyOtherwise;
// converts a line into a tryParse-style parser function
TryParse LineParser(string line) {
bool match(string pattern, out string arg) {
var m = Regex.Match(line, pattern);
if (m.Success) {
arg = m.Groups[m.Groups.Count - 1].Value;
return true;
} else {
arg = "";
return false;
return match;
delegate bool TryParse(string pattern, out string arg);
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