The monkeys are back! You're worried they're going to try to steal your stuff again, but it seems like they're just holding their ground and making various monkey noises at you.
Eventually, one of the elephants realizes you don't speak monkey and comes over to interpret. As it turns out, they overheard you talking about trying to find the grove; they can show you a shortcut if you answer their riddle.
Read the full puzzle.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2022.Day21;
[ProblemName("Monkey Math")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) {
return Parse(input, "root", false).Simplify();
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var expr = Parse(input, "root", true) as Eq;
while (!(expr.left is Var)) {
expr = Solve(expr);
return expr.right;
// One step in rearranging the equation to <variable> = <constant> form.
// It is supposed that there is only one variable occurrence in the whole
// expression tree.
Eq Solve(Eq eq) =>
eq.left switch {
Op(Const l, "+", Expr r) => new Eq(r, new Op(eq.right, "-", l).Simplify()),
Op(Const l, "*", Expr r) => new Eq(r, new Op(eq.right, "/", l).Simplify()),
Op(Expr l, "+", Expr r) => new Eq(l, new Op(eq.right, "-", r).Simplify()),
Op(Expr l, "-", Expr r) => new Eq(l, new Op(eq.right, "+", r).Simplify()),
Op(Expr l, "*", Expr r) => new Eq(l, new Op(eq.right, "/", r).Simplify()),
Op(Expr l, "/", Expr r) => new Eq(l, new Op(eq.right, "*", r).Simplify()),
Const => new Eq(eq.right, eq.left),
_ => eq
// parses the input including the special rules for part2
// and returns the expression with the specified name
Expr Parse(string input, string name, bool part2) {
var context = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
foreach (var line in input.Split("\n")) {
var parts = line.Split(" ");
context[parts[0].TrimEnd(':')] = parts.Skip(1).ToArray();
Expr buildExpr(string name) {
var parts = context[name];
if (part2) {
if (name == "humn") {
return new Var("humn");
} else if (name == "root") {
return new Eq(buildExpr(parts[0]), buildExpr(parts[2]));
if (parts.Length == 1) {
return new Const(long.Parse(parts[0]));
} else {
return new Op(buildExpr(parts[0]), parts[1], buildExpr(parts[2]));
return buildExpr(name);
// standard expression tree representation
interface Expr {
Expr Simplify();
record Const(long Value) : Expr {
public override string ToString() => Value.ToString();
public Expr Simplify() => this;
record Var(string name) : Expr {
public override string ToString() => name;
public Expr Simplify() => this;
record Eq(Expr left, Expr right) : Expr {
public override string ToString() => $"{left} == {right}";
public Expr Simplify() => new Eq(left.Simplify(), right.Simplify());
record Op(Expr left, string op, Expr right) : Expr {
public override string ToString() => $"({left}) {op} ({right})";
public Expr Simplify() {
return (left.Simplify(), op, right.Simplify()) switch {
(Const l, "+", Const r) => new Const(l.Value + r.Value),
(Const l, "-", Const r) => new Const(l.Value - r.Value),
(Const l, "*", Const r) => new Const(l.Value * r.Value),
(Const l, "/", Const r) => new Const(l.Value / r.Value),
(Expr l, _, Expr r) => new Op(l, op, r),
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