Advent of Code


Not Enough Minerals

in C#

by encse

Your scans show that the lava did indeed form obsidian!

The wind has changed direction enough to stop sending lava droplets toward you, so you and the elephants exit the cave. As you do, you notice a collection of geodes around the pond. Perhaps you could use the obsidian to create some geode-cracking robots and break them open?

Read the full puzzle.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2022.Day19;

[ProblemName("Not Enough Minerals")]
class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) {
        var res = 0;
        foreach (var blueprint in Parse(input).Where(bp => bp.id < 100)) {
            var m = MaxGeodes(blueprint, 24);
            res += blueprint.id * m;
        return res;

    public object PartTwo(string input) {
        var res = 1;
        foreach (var blueprint in Parse(input).Where(bp => bp.id <= 3)) {
            var m = MaxGeodes(blueprint, 32);
            res *= m;
        return res;

    // Priority queue based maximum search with LOTS OF PRUNING
    private int MaxGeodes(Blueprint blueprint, int timeLimit) {
        var q = new PriorityQueue<State, int>();
        var seen = new HashSet<State>();

        enqueue(new State(
            remainingTime: timeLimit, 
            available: Nothing, 
            producing: Ore, 
            dontBuild: 0

        var max = 0;
        while (q.Count > 0) {
            var state = q.Dequeue();

            // Queue is ordered by potentialGeodeCount, there is
            // no point in investigating the remaining items.
            if (potentialGeodeCount(state) < max) {

            if (!seen.Contains(state)) {

                if (state.remainingTime == 0) {
                    // time is off, just update max
                    max = Math.Max(max, state.available.geode);
                } else {
                    // What robots can be created from the available materials?
                    var buildableRobots = blueprint.robots
                        .Where(robot => state.available >= robot.cost)

                    // 1) build one of them right away
                    foreach (var robot in buildableRobots) {
                        if (worthBuilding(state, robot)) {
                            enqueue(state with {
                                remainingTime = state.remainingTime - 1,
                                available = state.available + state.producing - robot.cost,
                                producing = state.producing + robot.producing,
                                dontBuild = 0

                    // 2) or wait until next round for more robot types. Don't postpone
                    //    building of robots which are already available. This is a very
                    //    very important prunning step. It's about 25 times faster if we 
                    //    do it this way.
                        state with {
                            remainingTime = state.remainingTime - 1,
                            available = state.available + state.producing,
                            dontBuild = buildableRobots.Select(robot => robot.id).Sum(),

        return max;

        // ------- 

        // Upper limit for the maximum geodes we reach when starting from this state. 
        // Let's be optimistic and suppose that in each step we will be able to build 
        // a new geode robot...
        int potentialGeodeCount(State state) {
            // sum of [state.producing.geode .. state.producing.geode + state.remainingTime - 1]
            var future = 
                (2 * state.producing.geode + state.remainingTime - 1) * state.remainingTime / 2;
            return state.available.geode + future;

        bool worthBuilding(State state, Robot robot) {
            // We can explicitly ignore building some robots. 
            // Robot ids are powers of 2 used as flags in the dontBuild integer.
            if ((state.dontBuild & robot.id) != 0) {
                return false;

            // Our factory can build just a single robot in a round. This gives as 
            // a prunning condition. Producing more material in a round that we can 
            // spend on building a new robot is worthless.
            return state.producing + robot.producing <= blueprint.maxCost;

        // Just add an item to the search queue, use -potentialGeodeCount as priority 
        void enqueue(State state) {
            q.Enqueue(state, -potentialGeodeCount(state));

    IEnumerable<Blueprint> Parse(string input) {
        foreach (var line in input.Split("\n")) {
            var numbers = Regex.Matches(line, @"(\d+)").Select(x => int.Parse(x.Value)).ToArray();
            yield return new Blueprint(
                id: numbers[0],
                new Robot(id: 1, producing: Ore, cost: numbers[1] * Ore),
                new Robot(id: 2, producing: Clay, cost: numbers[2] * Ore),
                new Robot(id: 4, producing: Obsidian, cost: numbers[3] * Ore + numbers[4] * Clay),
                new Robot(id: 8, producing: Geode, cost: numbers[5] * Ore + numbers[6] * Obsidian)

    static Material Nothing = new Material(0, 0, 0, 0);
    static Material Ore = new Material(1, 0, 0, 0);
    static Material Clay = new Material(0, 1, 0, 0);
    static Material Obsidian = new Material(0, 0, 1, 0);
    static Material Geode = new Material(0, 0, 0, 1);

    record Material(int ore, int clay, int obsidian, int geode) {
        public static Material operator *(int m, Material a) {
            return new Material(m * a.ore, m * a.clay, m * a.obsidian, m * a.geode);
        public static Material operator +(Material a, Material b) {
            return new Material(
                a.ore + b.ore,
                a.clay + b.clay,
                a.obsidian + b.obsidian,
                a.geode + b.geode

        public static Material operator -(Material a, Material b) {
            return new Material(
                a.ore - b.ore,
                a.clay - b.clay,
                a.obsidian - b.obsidian,
                a.geode - b.geode

        public static bool operator <=(Material a, Material b) {
                a.ore <= b.ore &&
                a.clay <= b.clay &&
                a.obsidian <= b.obsidian &&
                a.geode <= b.geode;

        public static bool operator >=(Material a, Material b) {
                a.ore >= b.ore &&
                a.clay >= b.clay &&
                a.obsidian >= b.obsidian &&
                a.geode >= b.geode;

    record Robot(int id, Material cost, Material producing);
    record State(int remainingTime, Material available, Material producing, int dontBuild);
    record Blueprint(int id, params Robot[] robots) {
        public Material maxCost = new Material(
            ore: robots.Select(robot => robot.cost.ore).Max(),
            clay: robots.Select(robot => robot.cost.clay).Max(),
            obsidian: robots.Select(robot => robot.cost.obsidian).Max(),
            geode: int.MaxValue

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