Advent of Code


Beacon Exclusion Zone

in C#

by encse

You feel the ground rumble again as the distress signal leads you to a large network of subterranean tunnels. You don't have time to search them all, but you don't need to: your pack contains a set of deployable sensors that you imagine were originally built to locate lost Elves.

The sensors aren't very powerful, but that's okay; your handheld device indicates that you're close enough to the source of the distress signal to use them. You pull the emergency sensor system out of your pack, hit the big button on top, and the sensors zoom off down the tunnels.

Read the full puzzle.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2022.Day15;

[ProblemName("Beacon Exclusion Zone")]
class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) {
        var pairing = Parse(input).ToArray();

        var rects = pairing.Select(pair => pair.ToRect()).ToArray();
        var left = rects.Select(r => r.Left).Min();
        var right = rects.Select(r => r.Right).Max();

        var y = 2000000;
        var res = 0;
        for (var x = left; x <= right; x++) {
            var pos = new Pos(x, y);
            if (pairing.Any(pair => pair.beacon != pos && pair.InRange(pos))) {
        return res;

    public object PartTwo(string input) {
        var pairing = Parse(input).ToArray();
        var area = GetUncoveredAreas(pairing, new Rect(0, 0, 4000001, 4000001)).First();
        return area.X * 4000000L + area.Y;

    // Parse the 4 numbers with regex from each line and return the list of pairings
    IEnumerable<Pair> Parse(string input) {
        foreach (var line in input.Split("\n")) {
            var numbers = Regex.Matches(line, @"-?\d+").Select(m => int.Parse(m.Value)).ToArray();
            yield return new Pair(
                sensor: new Pos(numbers[0], numbers[1]),
                beacon: new Pos(numbers[2], numbers[3])

    // Do a quadtree style recursive check for uncovered areas with early exit
    // when there is proof that the rectangle is fully covered / uncovered
    IEnumerable<Rect> GetUncoveredAreas(Pair[] pairing, Rect rect) {
        // empty rectangle -> doesn't have uncovered areas 👍
        if (rect.Width == 0 || rect.Height == 0) {
            yield break;

        // if all 4 corners of the rectangle are in range of one of the sensors -> it's covered 👍
        foreach (var pair in pairing) {
            if (rect.Corners.All(corner => pair.InRange(corner))) {
                yield break;

        // if the rectangle is 1x1 -> we just proved that it's uncovered 👍
        if (rect.Width == 1 && rect.Height == 1) {
            yield return rect;
            yield break;

        // otherwise split the rectangle into smaller parts and recurse
        foreach (var rectT in rect.Split()) {
            foreach (var area in GetUncoveredAreas(pairing, rectT)) {
                yield return area;

    // ---------

    record struct Pos(int X, int Y);

    // I don't have a better name for a sensor-bacon pair
    record struct Pair(Pos sensor, Pos beacon) {
        public int Radius = Manhattan(sensor, beacon);

        public bool InRange(Pos pos) => Manhattan(pos, sensor) <= Radius;

        // The smallest rectangle that covers the whole range of the pairing:
        // ............................
        // ..........====#====.........
        // ..........===B##===.........
        // ..........==#####==.........
        // ..........=#######=.........
        // ..........####S####.........
        // ..........=#######=.........
        // ..........==#####==.........
        // ..........===###===.........
        // ..........====#====.........
        // ............................
        public Rect ToRect() =>
             new Rect(sensor.X - Radius, sensor.Y - Radius, 2 * Radius + 1, 2 * Radius + 1);

        static int Manhattan(Pos p1, Pos p2) =>
             Math.Abs(p1.X - p2.X) + Math.Abs(p1.Y - p2.Y);

    record struct Rect(int X, int Y, int Width, int Height) {
        public int Left => X;
        public int Right => X + Width - 1;
        public int Top => Y;
        public int Bottom => Y + Height - 1;

        public IEnumerable<Pos> Corners {
            get {
                yield return new Pos(Left, Top);
                yield return new Pos(Right, Top);
                yield return new Pos(Right, Bottom);
                yield return new Pos(Left, Bottom);

        // Creates 4 smaller rectangles, might return empty ones with width or height == 0
        public IEnumerable<Rect> Split() {
            var w0 = Width / 2;
            var w1 = Width - w0;
            var h0 = Height / 2;
            var h1 = Height - h0;
            yield return new Rect(Left, Top, w0, h0);
            yield return new Rect(Left + w0, Top, w1, h0);
            yield return new Rect(Left, Top + h0, w0, h1);
            yield return new Rect(Left + w0, Top + h0, w1, h1);

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