You're already almost 1.5km (almost a mile) below the surface of the ocean, already so deep that you can't see any sunlight. What you can see, however, is a giant squid that has attached itself to the outside of your submarine.
Maybe it wants to play bingo?
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2021.Day04;
[ProblemName("Giant Squid")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) => BoardsInOrderOfCompletion(input).First().score;
public object PartTwo(string input) => BoardsInOrderOfCompletion(input).Last().score;
IEnumerable<BingoBoard> BoardsInOrderOfCompletion(string input) {
var blocks = input.Split("\n\n");
// first block contains the numbers to be drawn, rest describe bingo boards:
var numbers = blocks[0].Split(",");
var boards = (from block in blocks.Skip(1) select new BingoBoard(block)).ToHashSet();
// let's play the game
foreach (var number in numbers) {
foreach (var board in boards.ToArray()) {
if (board.score > 0) {
yield return board;
record Cell(string number, bool marked = false);
// Let's be ho-ho-hoOOP this time.
class BingoBoard {
public int score { get; private set; }
private List<Cell> cells;
IEnumerable<Cell> CellsInRow(int irow) =>
from icol in Enumerable.Range(0, 5) select cells[irow * 5 + icol];
IEnumerable<Cell> CellsInCol(int icol) =>
from irow in Enumerable.Range(0, 5) select cells[irow * 5 + icol];
public BingoBoard(string st) {
// split the input into words & read them numbers into cells
cells = (
from word in st.Split(" \n".ToArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
select new Cell(word)
public void AddNumber(string number) {
var icell = cells.FindIndex(cell => cell.number == number);
if (icell >= 0) {
// mark the cell
cells[icell] = cells[icell] with { marked = true };
// if the board is completed, compute score
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (
CellsInRow(i).All(cell => cell.marked) ||
CellsInCol(i).All(cell => cell.marked)
) {
var unmarkedNumbers =
from cell in cells where !cell.marked select int.Parse(cell.number);
score = int.Parse(number) * unmarkedNumbers.Sum();
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