As you leave the cave and reach open waters, you receive a transmission from the Elves back on the ship.
The transmission was sent using the Buoyancy Interchange Transmission System (BITS), a method of packing numeric expressions into a binary sequence. Your submarine's computer has saved the transmission in hexadecimal (your puzzle input).
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2021.Day16;
[ProblemName("Packet Decoder")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) =>
public object PartTwo(string input) =>
// recursively sum the versions of a packet and its content for part 1:
int GetTotalVersion(Packet packet) =>
packet.version + packet.packets.Select(GetTotalVersion).Sum();
// recursively evaluate the packet and its contents based on the type tag for part 2:
long Evaluate(Packet packet) {
var parts = packet.packets.Select(Evaluate).ToArray();
return packet.type switch {
0 => parts.Sum(),
1 => parts.Aggregate(1L, (acc, x) => acc * x),
2 => parts.Min(),
3 => parts.Max(),
4 => packet.payload, // <--- literal packet is handled uniformly
5 => parts[0] > parts[1] ? 1 : 0,
6 => parts[0] < parts[1] ? 1 : 0,
7 => parts[0] == parts[1] ? 1 : 0,
_ => throw new Exception()
// convert hex string to bit sequence reader
BitSequenceReader GetReader(string input) => new BitSequenceReader(
new BitArray((
from hexChar in input
// get the 4 bits out of a hex char:
let value = Convert.ToInt32(hexChar.ToString(), 16)
// convert to bitmask
from mask in new []{8,4,2,1}
select (mask & value) != 0
// make sense of the bit sequence:
Packet GetPacket(BitSequenceReader reader) {
var version = reader.ReadInt(3);
var type = reader.ReadInt(3);
var packets = new List<Packet>();
var payload = 0L;
if (type == 0x4) {
// literal, payload is encoded in the following bits in 5 bit long chunks:
while (true) {
var isLast = reader.ReadInt(1) == 0;
payload = payload * 16 + reader.ReadInt(4);
if (isLast) {
} else if (reader.ReadInt(1) == 0) {
// operator, the next 'length' long bit sequence encodes the sub packages:
var length = reader.ReadInt(15);
var subPackages = reader.GetBitSequenceReader(length);
while (subPackages.Any()) {
} else {
// operator with 'packetCount' sub packages:
var packetCount = reader.ReadInt(11);
packets.AddRange(from _ in Enumerable.Range(0, packetCount) select GetPacket(reader));
return new Packet(version, type, payload, packets.ToArray());
// Reader class with convenience methods to retrieve n-bit integers and subreaders as needed
class BitSequenceReader {
private BitArray bits;
private int ptr;
public BitSequenceReader(BitArray bits) {
this.bits = bits;
public bool Any() {
return ptr < bits.Length;
public BitSequenceReader GetBitSequenceReader(int bitCount) {
var bitArray = new BitArray(bitCount);
for (var i = 0; i < bitCount; i++) {
bitArray.Set(i, bits[ptr++]);
return new BitSequenceReader(bitArray);
public int ReadInt(int bitCount) {
var res = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < bitCount; i++) {
res = res * 2 + (bits[ptr++] ? 1 : 0);
return res;
// Each packet has all fields, type tag tells how to interpret the contents
record Packet(int version, int type, long payload, Packet[] packets);
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