You ask the submarine to determine the best route out of the deep-sea cave, but it only replies:
Syntax error in navigation subsystem on line: all of them
Read the full puzzle.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2021.Day10;
[ProblemName("Syntax Scoring")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) => GetScores(input, getSyntaxErrorScore: true).Sum();
public object PartTwo(string input) => Median(GetScores(input, getSyntaxErrorScore: false));
public long Median(IEnumerable<long> items) =>
items.OrderBy(x => x).ElementAt(items.Count() / 2);
IEnumerable<long> GetScores(string input, bool getSyntaxErrorScore) =>
input.Split("\n").Select(line => GetScore(line, getSyntaxErrorScore)).Where(score => score > 0);
long GetScore(string line, bool getSyntaxErrorScore) {
// standard stack based approach
var stack = new Stack<char>();
foreach (var ch in line) {
switch ((stack.FirstOrDefault(), ch)) {
// matching closing parenthesis:
case ('(', ')'): stack.Pop(); break;
case ('[', ']'): stack.Pop(); break;
case ('{', '}'): stack.Pop(); break;
case ('<', '>'): stack.Pop(); break;
// return early if syntax error found:
case (_, ')'): return getSyntaxErrorScore ? 3 : 0;
case (_, ']'): return getSyntaxErrorScore ? 57 : 0;
case (_, '}'): return getSyntaxErrorScore ? 1197 : 0;
case (_, '>'): return getSyntaxErrorScore ? 25137 : 0;
// otherwise, it's an opening parenthesis:
case (_, _): stack.Push(ch); break;
if (getSyntaxErrorScore) {
return 0;
} else {
return stack
.Select(item => 1 + "([{<".IndexOf(item)) // convert chars to digits
.Aggregate(0L, (acc, item) => acc * 5 + item); // get base 5 number
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