Advent of Code


Dirac Dice

in C#

by encse

There's not much to do as you slowly descend to the bottom of the ocean. The submarine computer challenges you to a nice game of Dirac Dice.

This game consists of a single die, two pawns, and a game board with a circular track containing ten spaces marked 1 through 10 clockwise. Each player's starting space is chosen randomly (your puzzle input). Player 1 goes first.

Read the full puzzle.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2021.Day21;

[ProblemName("Dirac Dice")]
class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) {
        // ⭐ we can convert 3 consecutive throws to a 3-throw with the new .Net 6 Chunk function:
        var threeRoll = DeterministicThrows().Chunk(3).Select(x => x.Sum());

        // take turns until the active player wins:
        var round = 0;
        var (active, other) = Parse(input);
        foreach (var steps in threeRoll) {
            active = active.Move(steps);
            if (active.score >= 1000) {
            (active, other) = (other, active);

        return other.score * 3 * round;

    public object PartTwo(string input) {
        // win counts tells us how many times the active and the other player wins
        // if they are starting from the given positions and scores.

        // this function needs to be cached, because we don't have time till eternity.
        var cache = new Dictionary<(Player, Player), (long, long)>();
        (long activeWins, long otherWins) winCounts((Player active, Player other) players) {
            if (players.other.score >= 21) {
                return (0, 1);

            if (!cache.ContainsKey(players)) {
                var (activeWins, otherWins) = (0L, 0L);
                foreach (var steps in DiracThrows()) {
                    var wins = winCounts((players.other, players.active.Move(steps)));
                    // they are switching roles here ^
                    // hence the return value needs to be swapped as well
                    activeWins += wins.otherWins;
                    otherWins += wins.activeWins;
                cache[players] = (activeWins, otherWins);
            return cache[players];

        var wins = winCounts(Parse(input));
        // which player wins more:
        return Math.Max(wins.activeWins, wins.otherWins);

    IEnumerable<int> DeterministicThrows() =>
        from i in Enumerable.Range(1, int.MaxValue)
        select (i - 1) % 100 + 1;

    IEnumerable<int> DiracThrows() =>
        from i in new[] { 1, 2, 3 }
        from j in new[] { 1, 2, 3 }
        from k in new[] { 1, 2, 3 }
        select i + j + k;

    (Player active, Player other) Parse(string input) {
        var players = (
            from line in input.Split("\n")
            let parts = line.Split(": ")
            select new Player(0, int.Parse(parts[1]))
        return (players[0], players[1]);

record Player(int score, int pos) {
    public Player Move(int steps) {
        var newPos = (this.pos - 1 + steps) % 10 + 1;
        return new Player(this.score + newPos, newPos);

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