You reach another volcanically active part of the cave. It would be nice if you could do some kind of thermal imaging so you could tell ahead of time which caves are too hot to safely enter.
Fortunately, the submarine seems to be equipped with a thermal camera! When you activate it, you are greeted with:
Read the full puzzle.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2021.Day13;
[ProblemName("Transparent Origami")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) => GetFolds(input).First().Count();
public object PartTwo(string input) => ToString(GetFolds(input).Last()).Ocr();
IEnumerable<HashSet<Point>> GetFolds(string input) {
var blocks = input.Split("\n\n");
// parse points into a hashset
var points = (
from line in blocks[0].Split("\n")
let coords = line.Split(",")
select new Point(int.Parse(coords[0]), int.Parse(coords[1]))
// fold line by line, yielding a new hashset
foreach (var line in blocks[1].Split("\n")) {
var rule = line.Split("=");
if (rule[0].EndsWith("x")) {
points = FoldX(int.Parse(rule[1]), points);
} else {
points = FoldY(int.Parse(rule[1]), points);
yield return points;
string ToString(HashSet<Point> d) {
var res = "";
var height = d.MaxBy(p=>p.y).y;
var width = d.MaxBy(p=>p.x).x;
for (var y = 0; y <= height; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x <= width; x++) {
res += d.Contains(new Point(x, y)) ? '#' : ' ';
res += "\n";
return res;
HashSet<Point> FoldX(int x, HashSet<Point> d) =>
d.Select(p => p.x > x ? p with { x = 2 * x - p.x } : p).ToHashSet();
HashSet<Point> FoldY(int y, HashSet<Point> d) =>
d.Select(p => p.y > y ? p with { y = 2 * y - p.y } : p).ToHashSet();
record Point(int x, int y);
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