Your flight to the major airline hub reaches cruising altitude without incident. While you consider checking the in-flight menu for one of those drinks that come with a little umbrella, you are interrupted by the kid sitting next to you.
Their handheld game console won't turn on! They ask if you can take a look.
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2020.Day08;
record Stm(string op, int arg);
[ProblemName("Handheld Halting")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) => Run(Parse(input)).acc;
public object PartTwo(string input) =>
.First(res => res.terminated).acc;
Stm[] Parse(string input) =>
.Select(line => line.Split(" "))
.Select(parts => new Stm(parts[0], int.Parse(parts[1])))
IEnumerable<Stm[]> Patches(Stm[] program) =>
Enumerable.Range(0, program.Length)
.Where(line => program[line].op != "acc")
.Select(lineToPatch =>
program.Select((stm, line) =>
line != lineToPatch ? stm :
stm.op == "jmp" ? stm with { op = "nop" } :
stm.op == "nop" ? stm with { op = "jmp" } :
throw new Exception()
(int acc, bool terminated) Run(Stm[] program) {
var (ip, acc, seen) = (0, 0, new HashSet<int>());
while (true) {
if (ip >= program.Length) {
return (acc, true);
} else if (seen.Contains(ip)) {
return (acc, false);
} else {
var stm = program[ip];
switch (stm.op) {
case "nop": ip++; break;
case "acc": ip++; acc += stm.arg; break;
case "jmp": ip += stm.arg; break;
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