You land in an airport surrounded by dense forest. As you walk to your high-speed train, the Elves at the Mythical Information Bureau contact you again. They think their satellite has collected an image of a sea monster! Unfortunately, the connection to the satellite is having problems, and many of the messages sent back from the satellite have been corrupted.
They sent you a list of the rules valid messages should obey and a list of received messages they've collected so far (your puzzle input).
Read the full puzzle.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Parser = System.Func<string, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>>;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2020.Day19;
[ProblemName("Monster Messages")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) => Solve(input, true);
public object PartTwo(string input) => Solve(input, false);
int Solve(string input, bool part1) {
var blocks = (
from block in input.Split("\n\n")
select block.Split("\n")
var rules = new Dictionary<int, string>(
from line in blocks[0]
let parts = line.Split(": ")
let index = int.Parse(parts[0])
let rule = parts[1]
new KeyValuePair<int, string>(index, rule)
if (!part1) {
rules[8] = "42 | 42 8";
rules[11] = "42 31 | 42 11 31";
// a parser will process some prefix of the input and return the possible remainders (nothing in case of error).
var parsers = new Dictionary<int, Parser>();
Parser getParser(int index) {
if (!parsers.ContainsKey(index)) {
parsers[index] = (input) => getParser(index)(input); //avoid stack overflows in case of recursion in the grammar
parsers[index] =
from sequence in rules[index].Split(" | ")
from item in sequence.Split(" ")
int.TryParse(item, out var i) ? getParser(i) : literal(item.Trim('"'))
return parsers[index];
var parser = getParser(0);
return blocks[1].Count(data => parser(data).Any(st => st == ""));
// Parser combinators
static Parser literal(string st) =>
input => input.StartsWith(st) ? new[] { input.Substring(st.Length) } : new string[0];
static Parser seq(IEnumerable<Parser> parsers) {
if (parsers.Count() == 1) {
return parsers.Single();
var parseHead = parsers.First();
var parseTail = seq(parsers.Skip(1));
return input =>
from tail in parseHead(input)
from rest in parseTail(tail)
select rest;
static Parser alt(IEnumerable<Parser> parsers) {
if (parsers.Count() == 1) {
return parsers.Single();
var arr = parsers.ToArray(); // don't recalc the enumerable in the parse phase
return input =>
from parser in arr
from rest in parser(input)
select rest;
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