You reach the train's last stop and the closest you can get to your vacation island without getting wet. There aren't even any boats here, but nothing can stop you now: you build a raft. You just need a few days' worth of food for your journey.
You don't speak the local language, so you can't read any ingredients lists. However, sometimes, allergens are listed in a language you do understand. You should be able to use this information to determine which ingredient contains which allergen and work out which foods are safe to take with you on your trip.
Read the full puzzle.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2020.Day21;
record Problem(
HashSet<string> allergens,
HashSet<string> ingredients,
(HashSet<string> ingredients, HashSet<string> allergens)[] mapping);
[ProblemName("Allergen Assessment")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) {
var problem = Parse(input);
var suspiciousIngredients = GetIngredientsByAllergene(problem).SelectMany(kvp => kvp.Value).ToHashSet();
return problem.mapping
.Select(entry => entry.ingredients.Count(ingredient => !suspiciousIngredients.Contains(ingredient)))
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var problem = Parse(input);
var ingredientsByAllergene = GetIngredientsByAllergene(problem);
// The problem is set up in a way that we can identify the allergene - ingredient pairs one by one.
while (ingredientsByAllergene.Values.Any(ingredients => ingredients.Count > 1)) {
foreach (var allergen in problem.allergens) {
var candidates = ingredientsByAllergene[allergen];
if (candidates.Count == 1) {
foreach (var allergenT in problem.allergens) {
if (allergen != allergenT) {
return string.Join(",", problem.allergens.OrderBy(a => a).Select(a => ingredientsByAllergene[a].Single()));
private Problem Parse(string input) {
var mapping = (
from line in input.Split("\n")
let parts = line.Trim(')').Split(" (contains ")
let ingredients = parts[0].Split(" ").ToHashSet()
let allergens = parts[1].Split(", ").ToHashSet()
select (ingredients, allergens)
return new Problem(
mapping.SelectMany(entry => entry.allergens).ToHashSet(),
mapping.SelectMany(entry => entry.ingredients).ToHashSet(),
private Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> GetIngredientsByAllergene(Problem problem) =>
allergene => allergene,
allergene => problem.mapping
.Where(entry => entry.allergens.Contains(allergene))
problem.ingredients as IEnumerable<string>,
(res, entry) => res.Intersect(entry.ingredients))
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