Advent of Code


Jurassic Jigsaw

in C#

by encse

The high-speed train leaves the forest and quickly carries you south. You can even see a desert in the distance! Since you have some spare time, you might as well see if there was anything interesting in the image the Mythical Information Bureau satellite captured.

After decoding the satellite messages, you discover that the data actually contains many small images created by the satellite's camera array. The camera array consists of many cameras; rather than produce a single square image, they produce many smaller square image tiles that need to be reassembled back into a single image.

Read the full puzzle.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2020.Day20;

[ProblemName("Jurassic Jigsaw")]
class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) {
        var tiles = AssemblePuzzle(input);
            tiles.First().First().id *
            tiles.First().Last().id *
            tiles.Last().First().id *

    public object PartTwo(string input) {
        var image = MergeTiles(AssemblePuzzle(input));

        var monster = new string[]{
            "                  # ",
            "#    ##    ##    ###",
            " #  #  #  #  #  #   "

        while (true) {
            var monsterCount = MatchCount(image, monster);
            if (monsterCount > 0) {
                var hashCountInImage = image.ToString().Count(ch => ch == '#');
                var hashCountInMonster = string.Join("\n", monster).Count(ch => ch == '#');
                return hashCountInImage - monsterCount * hashCountInMonster;

    private Tile[] ParseTiles(string input) {
        return (
            from block in input.Split("\n\n")
            let lines = block.Split("\n")
            let id = Regex.Match(lines[0], "\\d+").Value
            let image = lines.Skip(1).Where(x => x != "").ToArray()
            select new Tile(int.Parse(id), image)

    private Tile[][] AssemblePuzzle(string input) {
        var tiles = ParseTiles(input);

        // Collects tiles sharing a common edge. 
        // Due to the way the input is created, the list contains
        // - one item for tiles on the edge or 
        // - two for inner pieces.
        var pairs = new Dictionary<string, List<Tile>>();
        foreach (var tile in tiles) {
            for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                var pattern = tile.Top();
                if (!pairs.ContainsKey(pattern)) {
                    pairs[pattern] = new List<Tile>();

        bool isEdge(string pattern) => pairs[pattern].Count == 1;
        Tile getNeighbour(Tile tile, string pattern) => pairs[pattern].SingleOrDefault(other => other != tile);

        Tile putTileInPlace(Tile above, Tile left) {
            if (above == null && left == null) {
                // find top-left corner
                foreach (var tile in tiles) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                        if (isEdge(tile.Top()) && isEdge(tile.Left())) {
                            return tile;
            } else {
                // we know the tile from the inversion structure, just need to find its orientation
                var tile = above != null ? getNeighbour(above, above.Bottom()) : getNeighbour(left, left.Right());
                while (true) {
                    var topMatch = above == null ? isEdge(tile.Top())  : tile.Top() == above.Bottom();
                    var leftMatch = left == null ? isEdge(tile.Left()) : tile.Left() == left.Right();

                    if (topMatch && leftMatch) {
                        return tile;

            throw new Exception();

        // once the corner is fixed we can always find a unique tile that matches the one to the left & above
        // just fill up the tileset one by one
        var size = (int)Math.Sqrt(tiles.Length);
        var puzzle = new Tile[size][];
        for (var irow = 0; irow < size; irow++) {
            puzzle[irow] = new Tile[size];
            for (var icol = 0; icol < size; icol++) {
                var above = irow == 0 ? null : puzzle[irow - 1][icol];
                var left  = icol == 0 ? null : puzzle[irow][icol - 1];
                puzzle[irow][icol] = putTileInPlace(above, left);
        return puzzle;

    private Tile MergeTiles(Tile[][] tiles) {
        // create a big tile leaving out the borders
        var image = new List<string>();
        var tileSize = tiles[0][0].size;
        var tileCount = tiles.Length;
        for (var irow = 0; irow < tileCount; irow++) {
            for (var i = 1; i < tileSize - 1; i++) {
                var st = "";
                for (var icol = 0; icol < tileCount; icol++) {
                    st += tiles[irow][icol].Row(i).Substring(1, tileSize - 2);
        return new Tile(42, image.ToArray());

    int MatchCount(Tile image, params string[] pattern) {
        var res = 0;
        var (ccolP, crowP) = (pattern[0].Length, pattern.Length);
        for (var irow = 0; irow < image.size - crowP; irow++) 
        for (var icol = 0; icol < image.size - ccolP ; icol++) {
            bool match() {
                for (var icolP = 0; icolP < ccolP; icolP++)
                for (var irowP = 0; irowP < crowP; irowP++) {
                    if (pattern[irowP][icolP] == '#' && image[irow + irowP, icol + icolP] != '#') {
                        return false;
                return true;
            if(match()) {
        return res;

class Tile {
    public long id;
    public int size;
    string[] image;

    // This is a bit tricky, but makes operations fast and easy to implement.
    // - orentation % 4 specifies the rotation of the tile
    // - orientation % 8 >= 4 means the tile is flipped.
    // The actual rotation and flipping happens in the indexer, 
    // where the input coordinates are adjusted accordingly.
    // Checking each 8 possible orientation for a tile requires just 7 incrementation of this value.
    int orentation = 0;

    public Tile(long id, string[] image) {
        this.id = id;
        this.image = image;
        this.size = image.Length;

    public void ChangeOrientation() {

    public char this[int irow, int icol] {
        get {
            for (var i = 0; i < orentation % 4; i++) {
                (irow, icol) = (icol, size - 1 - irow); // rotate

            if (orentation % 8 >= 4) {
                icol = size - 1 - icol; // flip vertical axis

            return this.image[irow][icol];

    public string Row(int irow) => GetSlice(irow, 0, 0, 1);
    public string Col(int icol) => GetSlice(0, icol, 1, 0);
    public string Top() => Row(0);
    public string Bottom() => Row(size - 1);
    public string Left() => Col(0);
    public string Right() => Col(size - 1);

    public override string ToString() {
        return $"Tile {id}:\n" + string.Join("\n", Enumerable.Range(0, size).Select(i => Row(i)));

    string GetSlice(int irow, int icol, int drow, int dcol) {
        var st = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            st += this[irow, icol];
            irow += drow;
            icol += dcol;
        return st;

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