The small crab challenges you to a game! The crab is going to mix up some cups, and you have to predict where they'll end up.
The cups will be arranged in a circle and labeled clockwise (your puzzle input). For example, if your labeling were 32415
, there would be five cups in the circle; going clockwise around the circle from the first cup, the cups would be labeled 3
, 2
, 4
, 1
, 5
, and then back to 3
Read the full puzzle.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2020.Day23;
[ProblemName("Crab Cups")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) =>
string.Join("", Solve(input, 9, 100).Take(8));
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var labels = Solve(input, 1000000, 10000000).Take(2).ToArray();
return labels[0] * labels[1];
private IEnumerable<long> Solve(string input, int maxLabel, int rotate) {
var digits = input.Select(d => int.Parse(d.ToString())).ToArray();
// A compact linked list representation. The cup's label can be used as the index into the array.
int[] next = Enumerable.Range(1, maxLabel + 1).ToArray();
next[0] = -1; // not used
for (var i = 0; i < digits.Length; i++) {
next[digits[i]] = digits[(i + 1) % digits.Length];
if (maxLabel > input.Length) {
next[maxLabel] = next[digits.Last()];
next[digits.Last()] = input.Length + 1;
var current = digits.First();
for (var i = 0; i < rotate; i++) {
var removed1 = next[current];
var removed2 = next[removed1];
var removed3 = next[removed2];
next[current] = next[removed3];
// omg
var destination = current;
do destination = destination == 1 ? maxLabel : destination - 1;
while (destination == removed1 || destination == removed2 || destination == removed3);
next[removed3] = next[destination];
next[destination] = removed1;
current = next[current];
// return the labels starting from the first cup.
var cup = next[1];
while (true) {
yield return cup;
cup = next[cup];
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