Your raft makes it to the tropical island; it turns out that the small crab was an excellent navigator. You make your way to the resort.
As you enter the lobby, you discover a small problem: the floor is being renovated. You can't even reach the check-in desk until they've finished installing the new tile floor.
Read the full puzzle.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2020.Day24;
record Tile(int x, int y);
[ProblemName("Lobby Layout")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) => ParseBlackTiles(input).Count();
public object PartTwo(string input) =>
Enumerable.Range(0, 100)
.Aggregate(ParseBlackTiles(input), (blackTiles, _) => Flip(blackTiles))
Dictionary<string, (int x, int y)> HexDirections = new Dictionary<string, (int x, int y)> {
{"o", ( 0, 0)},
{"ne", ( 1, 1)},
{"nw", (-1, 1)},
{"e", ( 2, 0)},
{"w", (-2, 0)},
{"se", ( 1, -1)},
{"sw", (-1, -1)},
IEnumerable<Tile> Neighbourhood(Tile tile) =>
from dir in HexDirections.Values select new Tile(tile.x + dir.x, tile.y + dir.y);
HashSet<Tile> Flip(HashSet<Tile> blackTiles) {
var tiles = (
from black in blackTiles
from tile in Neighbourhood(black)
select tile
return (
from tile in tiles
let blacks = Neighbourhood(tile).Count(n => blackTiles.Contains(n))
where blacks == 2 || blacks == 3 && blackTiles.Contains(tile)
select tile
HashSet<Tile> ParseBlackTiles(string input) {
var tiles = new Dictionary<Tile, bool>();
foreach (var line in input.Split("\n")) {
var tile = Walk(line);
tiles[tile] = !tiles.GetValueOrDefault(tile);
return (from kvp in tiles where kvp.Value select kvp.Key).ToHashSet();
Tile Walk(string line) {
var (x, y) = (0, 0);
while (line != "") {
foreach (var kvp in HexDirections) {
if (line.StartsWith(kvp.Key)) {
line = line.Substring(kvp.Key.Length);
(x, y) = (x + kvp.Value.x, y + kvp.Value.y);
return new Tile(x, y);
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