Following the twisty passageways deeper and deeper into the CPU, you finally reach the core of the computer. Here, in the expansive central chamber, you find a grand apparatus that fills the entire room, suspended nanometers above your head.
You had always imagined CPUs to be noisy, chaotic places, bustling with activity. Instead, the room is quiet, motionless, and dark.
Read the full puzzle.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2017.Day25;
[ProblemName("The Halting Problem")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) {
var machine = Parse(input);
var tape = new Dictionary<int, int>();
var pos = 0;
while (machine.iterations > 0) {
var read = tape.TryGetValue(pos, out var t) ? t : 0;
var (write, dir, newState) = machine.prg[(machine.state, read)];
machine.state = newState;
tape[pos] = write;
pos += dir;
return tape.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).Sum();
Machine Parse(string input) {
var lines = input.Split('\n').Where(line => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)).ToArray();
int iline = 0;
Machine machine = new Machine();
String(@"Begin in state (\w).", out machine.state);
Int(@"Perform a diagnostic checksum after (\d+) steps.", out machine.iterations);
while (String(@"In state (\w):", out var state)) {
while (Int(@"If the current value is (\d):", out var read)) {
Int(@"- Write the value (\d).", out var write);
String(@"- Move one slot to the (left|right).", out var dir);
String(@" - Continue with state (\w).", out string newState);
machine.prg[(state, read)] = (write, dir == "left" ? -1 : 1, newState);
bool Int(string pattern, out int r) {
r = 0;
return String(pattern, out string st) && int.TryParse(st, out r);
bool String(string pattern, out string st) {
st = null;
if (iline >= lines.Length) {
return false;
var m = Regex.Match(lines[iline], pattern);
if (m.Success) {
st = m.Groups[1].Value;
return m.Success;
return machine;
class Machine {
public string state;
public int iterations;
public Dictionary<(string state, int read), (int write, int dir, string state)> prg =
new Dictionary<(string, int), (int, int, string)>();
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