Advent of Code


Disk Defragmentation

in C#

by encse

Suddenly, a scheduled job activates the system's disk defragmenter. Were the situation different, you might sit and watch it for a while, but today, you just don't have that kind of time. It's soaking up valuable system resources that are needed elsewhere, and so the only option is to help it finish its task as soon as possible.

The disk in question consists of a 128x128 grid; each square of the grid is either free or used. On this disk, the state of the grid is tracked by the bits in a sequence of knot hashes.

Read the full puzzle.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2017.Day14;

[ProblemName("Disk Defragmentation")]
class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) => Extract(input).Select(row => row.Count(ch => ch == '#')).Sum();

    public object PartTwo(string input) {
        var mtx = Extract(input).Select(row => row.ToCharArray()).ToArray();
        var regions = 0;
        for (int irow = 0; irow < mtx.Count(); irow++) {
            for (int icol = 0; icol < mtx[0].Count(); icol++) {
                if (mtx[irow][icol] == '#') {
                    Fill(mtx, (irow, icol));
        return regions;

    void Fill(char[][] mtx, (int, int) startCell) {
        var q = new Queue<(int irow, int icol)>();
        var ccol = mtx[0].Count();
        var crow = mtx.Count();

        while (q.Any()) {
            var (irowCurrent, icolCurrent) = q.Dequeue();
            mtx[irowCurrent][icolCurrent] = ' ';

            var neighbourCells =
                from drow in new[] { -1, 0, 1 }
                from dcol in new[] { -1, 0, 1 }
                where Math.Abs(drow) + Math.Abs(dcol) == 1

                let icolNeighbour = icolCurrent + dcol
                let irowNeighbour = irowCurrent + drow

                where icolNeighbour >= 0 &&
                    icolNeighbour < ccol &&
                    irowNeighbour >= 0 &&
                    irowNeighbour < crow &&
                    mtx[irowNeighbour][icolNeighbour] == '#'

                select (irowNeighbour, icolNeighbour);

            foreach (var neighbourCell in neighbourCells) {

    IEnumerable<string> Extract(string input) {
        for (var irow = 0; irow < 128; irow++) {
            var row = "";
            foreach (var n in KnotHash(input + "-" + irow)) {
                var m = n;
                for (var bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) {
                    if ((m & (1 << (7 - bit))) != 0) {
                        row += "#";
                    } else {
                        row += ".";
            yield return row;

    int[] KnotHash(string input) {
        var suffix = new[] { 17, 31, 73, 47, 23 };
        var chars = input.ToCharArray().Select(b => (int)b).Concat(suffix);
        var output = Enumerable.Range(0, 256).ToArray();

        var current = 0;
        var skip = 0;
        for (var round = 0; round < 64; round++) {
            foreach (var len in chars) {
                for (int i = 0; i < len / 2; i++) {
                    var from = (current + i) % output.Length;
                    var to = (current + len - 1 - i) % output.Length;
                    (output[from], output[to]) = (output[to], output[from]);
                current += len + skip;
        var hash = output;
        return (
            from blockIdx in Enumerable.Range(0, 16)
            let block = hash.Skip(16 * blockIdx).Take(16)
            select block.Aggregate(0, (acc, ch) => acc ^ ch)

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