Advent of Code



in C#

by encse

You discover a tablet containing some strange assembly code labeled simply "Duet". Rather than bother the sound card with it, you decide to run the code yourself. Unfortunately, you don't see any documentation, so you're left to figure out what the instructions mean on your own.

It seems like the assembly is meant to operate on a set of registers that are each named with a single letter and that can each hold a single integer. You suppose each register should start with a value of 0.

Read the full puzzle.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2017.Day18;

class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) =>
        new Machine1()
            .First(received => received != null).Value;

    public object PartTwo(string input) {
        var p0Input = new Queue<long>();
        var p1Input = new Queue<long>();

        return Enumerable
                new Machine2(0, p0Input, p1Input).Execute(input), 
                new Machine2(1, p1Input, p0Input).Execute(input), 
                (state0, state1) => (state0: state0, state1: state1))
            .First(x => !x.state0.running && !x.state1.running)

abstract class Machine<TState> {
    private Dictionary<string, long> regs = new Dictionary<string, long>();

    protected bool running;
    protected int ip = 0;
    protected long this[string reg] {
        get {
            return long.TryParse(reg, out var n) ? n
                : regs.ContainsKey(reg) ? regs[reg]
                : 0;
        set {
            regs[reg] = value;

    public IEnumerable<TState> Execute(string input) {
        var prog = input.Split('\n').ToArray();

        while (ip >= 0 && ip < prog.Length) {
            running = true;
            var line = prog[ip];
            var parts = line.Split(' ');
            switch (parts[0]) {
                case "snd": snd(parts[1]); break;
                case "rcv": rcv(parts[1]); break;
                case "set": set(parts[1], parts[2]); break;
                case "add": add(parts[1], parts[2]); break;
                case "mul": mul(parts[1], parts[2]); break;
                case "mod": mod(parts[1], parts[2]); break;
                case "jgz": jgz(parts[1], parts[2]); break;
                default: throw new Exception("Cannot parse " + line);
            yield return State();

        running = false;
        yield return State();

    protected abstract TState State();

    protected abstract void snd(string reg);
    protected abstract void rcv(string reg);

    protected void set(string reg0, string reg1) {
        this[reg0] = this[reg1];

    protected void add(string reg0, string reg1) {
        this[reg0] += this[reg1];

    protected void mul(string reg0, string reg1) {
        this[reg0] *= this[reg1];

    protected void mod(string reg0, string reg1) {
        this[reg0] %= this[reg1];

    protected void jgz(string reg0, string reg1) {
        ip += this[reg0] > 0 ? (int)this[reg1] : 1;

class Machine1 : Machine<long?> {
    private long? sent = null;
    private long? received = null;

    protected override long? State() { 
        return received; 

    protected override void snd(string reg) {
        sent = this[reg];

    protected override void rcv(string reg) {
        if (this[reg] != 0) {
            received = sent;


class Machine2 : Machine<(bool running, int valueSent)> {
    private int valueSent = 0;
    private Queue<long> qIn;
    private Queue<long> qOut;

    public Machine2(long p, Queue<long> qIn, Queue<long> qOut) {
        this["p"] = p;
        this.qIn = qIn;
        this.qOut = qOut;

    protected override (bool running, int valueSent) State() { 
        return (running: running, valueSent: valueSent); 

    protected override void snd(string reg) {

    protected override void rcv(string reg) {
        if (qIn.Any()) {
            this[reg] = qIn.Dequeue();
        } else {
            running = false;

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