Advent of Code


Air Duct Spelunking

in C#

by encse

You've finally met your match; the doors that provide access to the roof are locked tight, and all of the controls and related electronics are inaccessible. You simply can't reach them.

The robot that cleans the air ducts, however, can.

Read the full puzzle.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2016.Day24;

[ProblemName("Air Duct Spelunking")]
class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) => Routes(input, false).Min();

    public object PartTwo(string input) => Routes(input, true).Min();

    IEnumerable<int> Routes(string input, bool loop) {
        var map = new Map(input);

        foreach (var perm in Permutations(Enumerable.Range(1, map.poi.Length - 1).ToArray())) {

            perm.Insert(0, 0);
            if (loop) {
            var l = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < perm.Count - 1; i++) {
                l += map.ShortestPathLength(map.poi[perm[i]], map.poi[perm[i + 1]]);
            yield return l;

    IEnumerable<List<T>> Permutations<T>(T[] rgt) {
        IEnumerable<List<T>> PermutationsRec(int i) {
            if (i == rgt.Length) {
                yield return rgt.ToList();

            for (var j = i; j < rgt.Length; j++) {
                (rgt[i], rgt[j]) = (rgt[j], rgt[i]);
                foreach (var perm in PermutationsRec(i + 1)) {
                    yield return perm;
                (rgt[i], rgt[j]) = (rgt[j], rgt[i]);

        return PermutationsRec(0);

    class Map {

        string[] map;
        public int crow;
        public int ccol;
        public (int irow, int icol)[] poi;
        private Dictionary<(int, int, int, int), int> cache = new Dictionary<(int, int, int, int), int>();

        public Map(string input) {
            this.map = input.Split('\n');
            this.crow = map.Length;
            this.ccol = map[0].Length;

            poi = new(int irow, int icol)[10];
            var poiCount = 0;
            for (var irow = 0; irow < crow; irow++) {
                for (var icol = 0; icol < ccol; icol++) {
                    if (int.TryParse($"{map[irow][icol]}", out var i)) {
                        poi[i] = (irow, icol);
            poi = poi.Take(poiCount).ToArray();

        public int ShortestPathLength((int irow, int icol) from, (int irow, int icol) to) {
            var key = (from.irow, from.icol, to.irow, to.icol);
            if (!cache.ContainsKey(key)) {
                var q = new Queue<(int steps, int irow, int icol)>();
                q.Enqueue((0, from.irow, from.icol));
                var seen = new HashSet<(int, int)>();
                while (q.Any()) {
                    var p = q.Dequeue();
                    if (p.irow == to.irow && p.icol == to.icol) {
                        cache[key] = p.steps;
                    foreach (var (drow, dcol) in new[] { (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1) }) {
                        var (irowT, icolT) = (p.irow + drow, p.icol + dcol);
                        if (irowT >= 0 && irowT < crow &&
                            icolT >= 0 && icolT < ccol &&
                            map[irowT][icolT] != '#' &&
                            !seen.Contains((irowT, icolT))
                        ) {
                            q.Enqueue((p.steps + 1, irowT, icolT));
                            seen.Add((irowT, icolT));

            return cache[key];

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