You gain access to a massive storage cluster arranged in a grid; each storage node is only connected to the four nodes directly adjacent to it (three if the node is on an edge, two if it's in a corner).
You can directly access data only on node /dev/grid/node-x0-y0
, but you can perform some limited actions on the other nodes:
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2016.Day22;
[ProblemName("Grid Computing")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) {
var nodes = Parse(input);
var r = 0;
foreach (var nodeA in nodes) {
if (nodeA.used > 0) {
foreach (var nodeB in nodes) {
if ((nodeA.irow != nodeB.irow || nodeA.icol != nodeB.icol) && nodeB.avail > nodeA.used) {
return r;
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var nodes = Parse(input);
var grid = new Grid(nodes);
while(grid.irowEmpty != 0){
if (!grid.Wall(grid.irowEmpty - 1, grid.icolEmpty)) {
grid.Move(-1, 0);
} else {
grid.Move(0, -1);
while (grid.icolEmpty != grid.ccol -1) {
grid.Move(0, 1);
while(!nodes[0,0].goal) {
grid.Move(1, 0);
grid.Move(0, -1);
grid.Move(0, -1);
grid.Move(-1, 0);
grid.Move(0, 1);
return grid.moves;
Node[,] Parse(string input) {
var nodes = (
from line in input.Split('\n').Skip(2)
let parts = Regex.Matches(line, @"(\d+)").Select(m => int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value)).ToArray()
select new Node { irow = parts[1], icol = parts[0], size = parts[2], used = parts[3] }
var (crow, ccol) = (nodes.Select(x => x.irow).Max() + 1, nodes.Select(x => x.icol).Max() + 1);
var res = new Node[crow, ccol];
foreach (var file in nodes) {
res[file.irow, file.icol] = file;
res[0, ccol - 1].goal = true;
return res;
class Grid {
public int irowEmpty;
public int icolEmpty;
public Node[,] nodes;
public int moves;
public Grid(Node[,] nodes){
this.nodes = nodes;
foreach(var node in nodes){
if(node.used == 0){
irowEmpty = node.irow;
icolEmpty = node.icol;
public int crow { get { return nodes.GetLength(0); } }
public int ccol { get { return nodes.GetLength(1); } }
public void Tsto() {
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (var irowT = 0; irowT < crow; irowT++) {
for (var icolT = 0; icolT < ccol; icolT++) {
if (nodes[irowT, icolT].goal) {
} else if (irowT == 0 && icolT == 0) {
} else if (nodes[irowT, icolT].used == 0) {
} else if (Wall(irowT, icolT)) {
} else {
public bool Wall(int irow, int icol) =>
nodes[irow, icol].used > nodes[irowEmpty, icolEmpty].size;
public void Move(int drow, int dcol) {
if (Math.Abs(drow) + Math.Abs(dcol) != 1) throw new Exception();
var irowT = irowEmpty + drow;
var icolT = icolEmpty + dcol;
if (irowT < 0 || irowT >= crow) throw new Exception();
if (icolT < 0 || icolT >= ccol) throw new Exception();
if (nodes[irowT, icolT].used > nodes[irowEmpty, icolEmpty].avail) throw new Exception();
nodes[irowEmpty, icolEmpty].used = nodes[irowT, icolT].used;
nodes[irowEmpty, icolEmpty].goal = nodes[irowT, icolT].goal;
(irowEmpty, icolEmpty) = (irowT, icolT);
nodes[irowEmpty, icolEmpty].used = 0;
nodes[irowEmpty, icolEmpty].goal = false;
class Node {
public bool goal = false;
public int irow;
public int icol;
public int size;
public int used;
public int avail { get { return size - used; } }
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