The computer system you're breaking into uses a weird scrambling function to store its passwords. It shouldn't be much trouble to create your own scrambled password so you can add it to the system; you just have to implement the scrambler.
The scrambling function is a series of operations (the exact list is provided in your puzzle input). Starting with the password to be scrambled, apply each operation in succession to the string. The individual operations behave as follows:
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2016.Day21;
[ProblemName("Scrambled Letters and Hash")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) => string.Join("", Parse(input)("abcdefgh"));
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var scramble = Parse(input);
return string.Join("", Permutations("abcdefgh".ToArray()).First(p => scramble(p).SequenceEqual("fbgdceah")));
IEnumerable<T[]> Permutations<T>(T[] rgt) {
IEnumerable<T[]> PermutationsRec(int i) {
if (i == rgt.Length) {
yield return rgt.ToArray();
for (var j = i; j < rgt.Length; j++) {
(rgt[i], rgt[j]) = (rgt[j], rgt[i]);
foreach (var perm in PermutationsRec(i + 1)) {
yield return perm;
(rgt[i], rgt[j]) = (rgt[j], rgt[i]);
return PermutationsRec(0);
Func<IEnumerable<char>, IEnumerable<char>> Parse(string input) {
var steps = (
from line in input.Split('\n')
Match(line, @"swap position (\d+) with position (\d+)", m => {
var x = int.Parse(m[0]);
var y = int.Parse(m[1]);
return chars => SwapPosition(chars, x, y);
}) ??
Match(line, @"swap letter (\w) with letter (\w)", m => {
var chX = m[0][0];
var chY = m[1][0];
return (chars) => SwapLetter(chars, chX, chY);
}) ??
Match(line, @"rotate left (\d+) step", m => {
var x = int.Parse(m[0]);
return chars => RotateLeft(chars, x);
}) ??
Match(line, @"rotate right (\d+) step", m => {
var x = int.Parse(m[0]);
return chars => RotateRight(chars, x);
}) ??
Match(line, @"rotate based on position of letter (\w)", m => {
var chX = m[0][0];
return chars => RotateBasedOnPosition(chars, chX);
}) ??
Match(line, @"reverse positions (\d+) through (\d+)", m => {
var x = int.Parse(m[0]);
var y = int.Parse(m[1]);
return chars => Reverse(chars, x, y);
}) ??
Match(line, @"move position (\d+) to position (\d+)", m => {
var x = int.Parse(m[0]);
var y = int.Parse(m[1]);
return chars => MovePosition(chars, x, y);
}) ??
throw new Exception("Cannot parse " + line)
return chars => {
var charsArray = chars.ToArray();
foreach (var step in steps) {
return charsArray;
Action<char[]> Match(string stm, string pattern, Func<string[], Action<char[]>> a) {
var match = Regex.Match(stm, pattern);
if (match.Success) {
return a(match.Groups.Cast<Group>().Skip(1).Select(g => g.Value).ToArray());
} else {
return null;
void SwapPosition(char[] chars, int x, int y) {
(chars[x], chars[y]) = (chars[y], chars[x]);
void SwapLetter(char[] chars, char chX, char chY) {
for (var i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++) {
chars[i] = chars[i] == chX ? chY : chars[i] == chY ? chX : chars[i];
void RotateBasedOnPosition(char[] chars, char chX) {
var i = Array.IndexOf(chars, chX);
RotateRight(chars, i >= 4 ? i + 2 : i + 1);
void RotateLeft(char[] chars, int t) {
t %= chars.Length;
Reverse(chars, 0, t - 1);
Reverse(chars, t, chars.Length - 1);
Reverse(chars, 0, chars.Length - 1);
void RotateRight(char[] chars, int t) {
t %= chars.Length;
Reverse(chars, 0, chars.Length - 1);
Reverse(chars, 0, t - 1);
Reverse(chars, t, chars.Length - 1);
void Reverse(char[] chars, int x, int y) {
while (x < y) {
(chars[x], chars[y]) = (chars[y], chars[x]);
void MovePosition(char[] chars, int x, int y) {
var d = x < y ? 1 : -1;
var ch = chars[x];
for (int i = x + d; i != y + d; i += d) {
chars[i - d] = chars[i];
chars[y] = ch;
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