To keep the Elves busy, Santa has them deliver some presents by hand, door-to-door. He sends them down a street with infinite houses numbered sequentially: 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
, and so on.
Each Elf is assigned a number, too, and delivers presents to houses based on that number:
Read the full puzzle.
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2015.Day20;
[ProblemName("Infinite Elves and Infinite Houses")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) {
var l = int.Parse(input);
return PresentsByHouse(1000000, 10, l);
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var l = int.Parse(input);
return PresentsByHouse(50, 11, l);
int PresentsByHouse(int steps, int mul, int l) {
var presents = new int[1000000];
for (var i = 1; i < presents.Length; i++) {
var j = i;
var step = 0;
while (j < presents.Length && step < steps) {
presents[j] += mul * i;
j += i;
for (var i = 0; i < presents.Length; i++) {
if (presents[i] >= l) {
return i;
return -1;
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