Your Aunt Sue has given you a wonderful gift, and you'd like to send her a thank you card. However, there's a small problem: she signed it "From, Aunt Sue".
You have 500 Aunts named "Sue".
Read the full puzzle.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2015.Day16;
[ProblemName("Aunt Sue")]
class Solution : Solver {
private Dictionary<string, int> target = new Dictionary<string, int> {
["children"] = 3,
["cats"] = 7,
["samoyeds"] = 2,
["pomeranians"] = 3,
["akitas"] = 0,
["vizslas"] = 0,
["goldfish"] = 5,
["trees"] = 3,
["cars"] = 2,
["perfumes"] = 1,
public object PartOne(string input) =>
Parse(input).FindIndex(p => p.Keys.All(k => p[k] == target[k])) + 1;
public object PartTwo(string input) =>
Parse(input).FindIndex(p => p.Keys.All(k => {
if (k == "cats" || k == "trees") {
return p[k] > target[k];
} else if (k == "pomeranians" || k == "goldfish") {
return p[k] < target[k];
} else {
return p[k] == target[k];
})) + 1;
List<Dictionary<string, int>> Parse(string input) => (
from line in input.Split('\n')
let parts = Regex.Matches(line, @"(\w+): (\d+)")
select parts.ToDictionary(
part => part.Groups[1].Value,
part => int.Parse(part.Groups[2].Value))
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