Advent of Code


Crossed Wires

in C#

by encse

You and The Historians arrive at the edge of a large grove somewhere in the jungle. After the last incident, the Elves installed a small device that monitors the fruit. While The Historians search the grove, one of them asks if you can take a look at the monitoring device; apparently, it's been malfunctioning recently.

The device seems to be trying to produce a number through some boolean logic gates. Each gate has two inputs and one output. The gates all operate on values that are either true (1) or false (0).

Visit the website for the full story and full puzzle description.

The first half of the problem was a familiar logic circuit evaluator, we have done this before. I really liked the second part, although I don't have a super generic solution for it. I generated a graph from my input using Graphviz, then realized that the circuit tries to implement a Ripple-carry adder.

A single full adder consists of two half adders:

half adder

Which are chained one after the other like this to get a Ripple-carry adder:

full adder

I took the images from build-electronic-circuits.com.

I implemented this logic in my 'fix' method. I start with the inputs x01 and y01 and try to identify the gates for the individual steps. Where I found an error, I manually checked my input to figure out what went wrong. I had just two different kind of errors which can be corrected by the fixer.

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2024.Day24;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Circuit = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Gate>;

record struct Gate(string in1, string kind, string in2);

[ProblemName("Crossed Wires")]
class Solution : Solver {

    public object PartOne(string input) {
        var (inputs, circuit) = Parse(input);
        var outputs = from label in circuit.Keys where label.StartsWith("z") select label; 

        var res = 0L;
        foreach (var label in outputs.OrderByDescending(label=>label)) {
            res = res * 2 + Eval(label, circuit, inputs);
        return res;

    int Eval(string label, Circuit circuit, Dictionary<string, int> inputs) {
        if (inputs.TryGetValue(label, out var res)) {
            return res;
        } else {
            return circuit[label] switch {
                Gate(var in1, "AND", var in2) => Eval(in1, circuit, inputs) & Eval(in2, circuit, inputs),
                Gate(var in1, "OR", var in2)  => Eval(in1, circuit, inputs) | Eval(in2, circuit, inputs),
                Gate(var in1, "XOR", var in2) => Eval(in1, circuit, inputs) ^ Eval(in2, circuit, inputs),
                _ => throw new Exception(circuit[label].ToString()),

    public object PartTwo(string input) {
        var circuit = Parse(input).circuit;
        return string.Join(",", Fix(circuit).OrderBy(label => label));

    // the circuit should define a full adder for two 44 bit numbers
    // this fixer is specific to my input.
    IEnumerable<string> Fix(Circuit circuit) {
        var cin = Output(circuit, "x00", "AND", "y00");
        for (var i = 1; i < 45; i++) {
            var x = $"x{i:D2}";
            var y = $"y{i:D2}";
            var z = $"z{i:D2}";

            var xor1 = Output(circuit, x, "XOR", y);
            var and1 = Output(circuit, x, "AND", y);
            var xor2 = Output(circuit, cin, "XOR", xor1);
            var and2 = Output(circuit, cin, "AND", xor1);

            if (xor2 == null && and2 == null) {
                return SwapAndFix(circuit, xor1, and1);

            var carry = Output(circuit, and1, "OR", and2);
            if (xor2 != z) {
                return SwapAndFix(circuit, z, xor2);
            } else {
                cin = carry;
        return [];

    IEnumerable<string> SwapAndFix(Circuit circuit, string out1, string out2) {
        (circuit[out1], circuit[out2]) = (circuit[out2], circuit[out1]); 
        return Fix(circuit).Concat([out1, out2]);

    string Output(Circuit circuit, string x, string kind, string y) => 
        circuit.SingleOrDefault(pair => 
            (pair.Value.in1 == x && pair.Value.kind == kind && pair.Value.in2 == y) || 
            (pair.Value.in1 == y && pair.Value.kind == kind && pair.Value.in2 == x) 

    (Dictionary<string, int> inputs, Circuit circuit) Parse(string input) {
        var inputs = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        var circuit = new Circuit();

        var blocks = input.Split("\n\n");

        foreach (var line in blocks[0].Split("\n")) {
            var parts = line.Split(": ");
            inputs.Add(parts[0], int.Parse(parts[1]));

        foreach (var line in blocks[1].Split("\n")) {
            var parts = Regex.Matches(line, "[a-zA-z0-9]+").Select(m => m.Value).ToArray();
            circuit.Add(parts[3], new Gate(in1: parts[0], kind: parts[1], in2: parts[2]));
        return (inputs, circuit);


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