Advent of Code


Restroom Redoubt

in C#

by encse

One of The Historians needs to use the bathroom; fortunately, you know there's a bathroom near an unvisited location on their list, and so you're all quickly teleported directly to the lobby of Easter Bunny Headquarters.

Unfortunately, EBHQ seems to have "improved" bathroom security again after your last visit. The area outside the bathroom is swarming with robots!

Visit the website for the full story and full puzzle description.

A nice simulation challenge for today. Part 1 was straightforward: iterate 100 times and count the robots in the different quadrants.

I’d bet many of us anticipated some least common multiple or Chinese Remainder Theorem magic for Part 2, but Eric threw us a curveball by making us search for a Christmas tree pattern in the robot’s movement.

The expected output wasn’t clearly specified — other than the fact that it should resemble a Christmas tree. I wrote a plot function to display the robot’s locations on the screen, dumped everything into a long file, and manually inspected it in my editor.

Later, to automate this process, decided to search for a longer horizontal '####' pattern in the output:

           #    #                             #               #
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  #             #                             #                            #
                #              #              #
                #             ###             #                                  #
                #            #####            #
          #     #           #######           #
              # #          #########          #                                      #
                #            #####            #
             #  #           #######           #
                #          #########          #
                #         ###########         #
                #        #############        #                                  #     #
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       #        #         ###########         #                               #
       #        #        #############        #
                #       ###############       #                           #    #
                #      #################      #                                         #
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    #           ###############################
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2024.Day14;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
record struct Vec2(int x, int y);
record struct Robot(Vec2 pos, Vec2 vel);

[ProblemName("Restroom Redoubt")]
class Solution : Solver {
    const int width = 101;
    const int height = 103;

    // run the simulation for 100 steps and count the robots in the different quadrants.
    public object PartOne(string input) =>
        .Where(group =>  group.Key.x != 0 && group.Key.y != 0)
        .Aggregate(1, (acc, group) => acc * group.Value);

    // I figured that the xmas tree pattern has a long horizontal ### pattern in it
    public object PartTwo(string input) =>
        .TakeWhile(robots => !Plot(robots).Contains("#################"))

    // an infinite simulation of robot movement
    IEnumerable<Robot[]> Simulate(string input) {
        var robots = Parse(input).ToArray();
        while (true) {
            yield return robots;
            robots = robots.Select(Step).ToArray();

    // advance a robot by its velocity taking care of the 'teleportation'
    Robot Step(Robot robot) => robot with {pos = AddWithWrapAround(robot.pos, robot.vel) };

    // returns the direction (-1/0/1) of the robot to the center of the room
    Vec2 GetQuadrant(Robot robot) =>
        new Vec2(Math.Sign(robot.pos.x - width / 2), Math.Sign(robot.pos.y - height / 2));

    Vec2 AddWithWrapAround(Vec2 a, Vec2 b) =>
        new Vec2((a.x + b.x + width) % width, (a.y + b.y + height) % height);

    // shows the robot locations in the room 
    string Plot(IEnumerable<Robot> robots) {
        var res = new char[height, width];
        foreach (var robot in robots) {
            res[robot.pos.y, robot.pos.x] = '#';
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                sb.Append(res[y, x] == '#' ? "#" : " ");
        return sb.ToString();

    IEnumerable<Robot> Parse(string input) =>
        from line in input.Split("\n")
        let nums = Regex.Matches(line, @"-?\d+").Select(m => int.Parse(m.Value)).ToArray()
        select new Robot(new Vec2(nums[0], nums[1]), new Vec2(nums[2], nums[3]));

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