This is it, your final stop: the year -483. It's snowing and dark outside; the only light you can see is coming from a small cottage in the distance. You make your way there and knock on the door.
A portly man with a large, white beard answers the door and invites you inside. For someone living near the North Pole in -483, he must not get many visitors, but he doesn't act surprised to see you. Instead, he offers you some milk and cookies.
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2018.Day22;
[ProblemName("Mode Maze")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) {
var (targetX, targetY, regionType) = Parse(input);
var riskLevel = 0;
for (var y = 0; y <= targetY; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x <= targetX; x++) {
riskLevel += (int)regionType(x, y);
return riskLevel;
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var (targetX, targetY, regionType) = Parse(input);
var q = new PQueue<((int x, int y) pos, Tool tool, int t)>();
var seen = new HashSet<((int x, int y), Tool tool)>();
IEnumerable<((int x, int y) pos, Tool tool, int dt)> Neighbours((int x, int y) pos, Tool tool) {
yield return regionType(pos.x, pos.y) switch {
RegionType.Rocky => (pos, tool == Tool.ClimbingGear ? Tool.Torch : Tool.ClimbingGear, 7),
RegionType.Narrow => (pos, tool == Tool.Torch ? Tool.Nothing : Tool.Torch, 7),
RegionType.Wet => (pos, tool == Tool.ClimbingGear ? Tool.Nothing : Tool.ClimbingGear, 7),
_ => throw new ArgumentException()
foreach (var dx in new[] { -1, 0, 1 }) {
foreach (var dy in new[] { -1, 0, 1 }) {
if (Math.Abs(dx) + Math.Abs(dy) != 1) {
var posNew = (x: pos.x + dx, y: pos.y + dy);
if (posNew.x < 0 || posNew.y < 0) {
switch (regionType(posNew.x, posNew.y)) {
case RegionType.Rocky when tool == Tool.ClimbingGear || tool == Tool.Torch:
case RegionType.Narrow when tool == Tool.Torch || tool == Tool.Nothing:
case RegionType.Wet when tool == Tool.ClimbingGear || tool == Tool.Nothing:
yield return (posNew, tool, 1);
q.Enqueue(0, ((0, 0), Tool.Torch, 0));
while (q.Any()) {
var state = q.Dequeue();
var (pos, tool, t) = state;
if (pos.x == targetX && pos.y == targetY && tool == Tool.Torch) {
return t;
var hash = (pos, tool);
if (seen.Contains(hash)) {
foreach( var (newPos, newTool, dt) in Neighbours(pos, tool)) {
t + dt + Math.Abs(newPos.x - targetX) + Math.Abs(newPos.y - targetY),
(newPos, newTool, t + dt)
throw new Exception();
(int targetX, int targetY, Func<int, int, RegionType> regionType) Parse(string input) {
var lines = input.Split("\n");
var depth = Regex.Matches(lines[0], @"\d+").Select(x => int.Parse(x.Value)).Single();
var target = Regex.Matches(lines[1], @"\d+").Select(x => int.Parse(x.Value)).ToArray();
var (targetX, targetY) = (target[0], target[1]);
var m = 20183;
var erosionLevelCache = new Dictionary<(int, int), int>();
int erosionLevel(int x, int y) {
var key = (x, y);
if (!erosionLevelCache.ContainsKey(key)) {
if (x == targetX && y == targetY) {
erosionLevelCache[key] = depth;
} else if (x == 0 && y == 0) {
erosionLevelCache[key] = depth;
} else if (x == 0) {
erosionLevelCache[key] = ((y * 48271) + depth) % m;
} else if (y == 0) {
erosionLevelCache[key] = ((x * 16807) + depth) % m;
} else {
erosionLevelCache[key] = ((erosionLevel(x, y - 1) * erosionLevel(x - 1, y)) + depth) % m;
return erosionLevelCache[key];
RegionType regionType(int x, int y) {
return (RegionType)(erosionLevel(x, y) % 3);
return (targetX, targetY, regionType);
enum RegionType {
Rocky = 0,
Wet = 1,
Narrow = 2
enum Tool {
class PQueue<T> {
SortedDictionary<int, Queue<T>> d = new SortedDictionary<int, Queue<T>>();
public bool Any() {
return d.Any();
public void Enqueue(int p, T t) {
if (!d.ContainsKey(p)) {
d[p] = new Queue<T>();
public T Dequeue() {
var p = d.Keys.First();
var items = d[p];
var t = items.Dequeue();
if (!items.Any()) {
return t;
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