Having perfected their hot chocolate, the Elves have a new problem: the Goblins that live in these caves will do anything to steal it. Looks like they're here for a fight.
You scan the area, generating a map of the walls (#
), open cavern (.
), and starting position of every Goblin (G
) and Elf (E
) (your puzzle input).
Read the full puzzle.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2018.Day15;
[ProblemName("Beverage Bandits")]
class Solution : Solver {
public object PartOne(string input) {
return Outcome(input, 3, 3, false).score;
public object PartTwo(string input) {
var elfAp = 4;
while (true) {
var outcome = Outcome(input, 3, elfAp, false);
if (outcome.noElfDied) {
return outcome.score;
(bool noElfDied, int score) Outcome(string input, int goblinAp, int elfAp, bool tsto) {
var game = Parse(input, goblinAp, elfAp);
var elfCount = game.players.Count(player => player.elf);
if (tsto) {
while (!game.Finished()) {
if (tsto) {
return (game.players.Count(p => p.elf) == elfCount, game.rounds * game.players.Select(player => player.hp).Sum());
Game Parse(string input, int goblinAp, int elfAp) {
var players = new List<Player>();
var lines = input.Split("\n");
var mtx = new Block[lines.Length, lines[0].Length];
var game = new Game { mtx = mtx, players = players };
for (var irow = 0; irow < lines.Length; irow++) {
for (var icol = 0; icol < lines[0].Length; icol++) {
switch (lines[irow][icol]) {
case '#':
mtx[irow, icol] = Wall.Block;
case '.':
mtx[irow, icol] = Empty.Block;
case var ch when ch == 'G' || ch == 'E':
var player = new Player {
elf = ch == 'E',
ap = ch == 'E' ? elfAp : goblinAp,
pos = (irow, icol),
game = game
mtx[irow, icol] = player;
return game;
class Game {
public Block[,] mtx;
public List<Player> players;
public int rounds;
private bool ValidPos((int irow, int icol) pos) =>
pos.irow >= 0 && pos.irow < this.mtx.GetLength(0) && pos.icol >= 0 && pos.icol < this.mtx.GetLength(1);
public Block GetBlock((int irow, int icol) pos) =>
ValidPos(pos) ? mtx[pos.irow, pos.icol] : Wall.Block;
public void Step() {
var finishedBeforeEndOfRound = false;
foreach (var player in players.OrderBy(player => player.pos).ToArray()) {
if (player.hp > 0) {
finishedBeforeEndOfRound |= Finished();
if (!finishedBeforeEndOfRound) {
public bool Finished() =>
players.Where(p => p.elf).All(p => p.hp == 0) ||
players.Where(p => !p.elf).All(p => p.hp == 0);
public string Tsto() {
var res = "";
res += rounds == 0 ? "Initial:\n" : $"After round {rounds}:\n";
for (var irow = 0; irow < mtx.GetLength(0); irow++) {
for (var icol = 0; icol < mtx.GetLength(1); icol++) {
res += GetBlock((irow, icol)) switch {
Player p when p.elf => "E",
Player p when !p.elf => "G",
Empty _ => ".",
Wall _ => "#",
_ => throw new ArgumentException()
foreach (var player in players.Where(player => player.pos.irow == irow).OrderBy(player => player.pos)) {
var ch = player.elf ? 'E' : 'G';
res += $" {ch}{{{player.pos.irow}, {player.pos.icol}}}({player.hp})";
res += "\n";
res += "\n";
return res;
abstract class Block { }
class Empty : Block {
public static readonly Empty Block = new Empty();
private Empty() { }
class Wall : Block {
public static readonly Wall Block = new Wall();
private Wall() { }
class Player : Block {
public (int irow, int icol) pos;
public bool elf;
public int ap = 3;
public int hp = 200;
public Game game;
public bool Step() {
if (hp <= 0) {
return false;
} else if (Attack()) {
return true;
} else if (Move()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
private bool Move() {
var targets = FindTargets();
if (!targets.Any()) {
return false;
var opponent = targets.OrderBy(a => a.target).First();
var nextPos = targets.Where(a => a.player == opponent.player).Select(a => a.firstStep).OrderBy(_ => _).First();
(game.mtx[nextPos.irow, nextPos.icol], game.mtx[pos.irow, pos.icol]) =
(game.mtx[pos.irow, pos.icol], game.mtx[nextPos.irow, nextPos.icol]);
pos = nextPos;
return true;
private IEnumerable<(Player player, (int irow, int icol) firstStep, (int irow, int icol) target)> FindTargets() {
var minDist = int.MaxValue;
foreach (var (otherPlayer, firstStep, target, dist) in BlocksNextToOpponentsByDistance()) {
if (dist > minDist) {
} else {
minDist = dist;
yield return (otherPlayer, firstStep, target);
private IEnumerable<(Player player, (int irow, int icol) firstStep, (int irow, int icol) target, int dist)> BlocksNextToOpponentsByDistance() {
var seen = new HashSet<(int irow, int icol)>();
var q = new Queue<((int irow, int icol) pos, (int drow, int dcol) origDir, int dist)>();
foreach (var (drow, dcol) in new[] { (-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0) }) {
var posT = (pos.irow + drow, pos.icol + dcol);
q.Enqueue((posT, posT, 1));
while (q.Any()) {
var (pos, firstStep, dist) = q.Dequeue();
if (game.GetBlock(pos) is Empty) {
foreach (var (drow, dcol) in new[] { (-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0) }) {
var posT = (pos.irow + drow, pos.icol + dcol);
if (!seen.Contains(posT)) {
q.Enqueue((posT, firstStep, dist + 1));
var nextBlock = game.GetBlock(posT);
if (nextBlock is Player) {
var player = nextBlock as Player;
if (player.elf != this.elf) {
yield return (player, firstStep, pos, dist);
private bool Attack() {
var opponents = new List<Player>();
foreach (var (drow, dcol) in new[] { (-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0) }) {
var posT = (this.pos.irow + drow, this.pos.icol + dcol);
var block = game.GetBlock(posT);
switch (block) {
case Player otherPlayer when otherPlayer.elf != this.elf:
if (!opponents.Any()) {
return false;
var minHp = opponents.Select(a => a.hp).Min();
var opponent = opponents.First(a => a.hp == minHp);
opponent.hp -= this.ap;
if (opponent.hp <= 0) {
game.mtx[opponent.pos.irow, opponent.pos.icol] = Empty.Block;
return true;
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